Oct 26, 2013 01:21
Dear Wonderful Company for whom I want to work,
I sincerely hope that my "I apologize for this work-around. However, my attempt to apply for your Receptionist position..." message to the site's contacts gets where it's going (I got an error message when filling out their online application. Said message wasn't an "Answer required for this question," type it was a coding glitch on their end.
My sunshiny optimist part, the part that is in ascendance despite a number of major setbacks, wants to believe that someone who has some power of hiring will see this as fabulous to go with the flow, will appreciate the attention drawn to the issue (complete with the error message cut and pasted for clarity), will appreciate that I have usefully demonstrated an important, difficult-to-quantify skill.
I will follow up on Monday when there are humans to whom I can speak.
Everyone cross fingers, this one was not only a "I could do that, and do it well," (They find jobs for people who have criminal records, and their mission comes from a deep, compassionate feeling that most people want to do better when they know better. It actually made my heart beat a bit faster. Have you ever been certain that a job was made for you and you for it?
But I'm not putting my eggs in this one basket.
If anything in the East Bay or SF comes acros your radar, pleasepleaseplease let me know.