Jan 01, 2004 13:04
I dont kno how many of you have a good new years but mine wasnt. at first I had plans made prior to new years and they were broken On New years eve so that didnt work out. Then I got invited to 3 different parties. Knowing 2 of them would have been sausage fests I decided to go to the third When I got there there were alot of unknown faces and crappy music playing. But I decided to try to mesh. that didnt work either. Only when I started mixing drinks did anyone pay attension. Like it mattered anyways. Moveing on there was a little danceing and let me tell you watching drunk people dance is a moment to remember. There I as drinking my pineapple orange something or other when it occured to me that there was 15 mins left me and the guy who owned the house started pouring for everyone to get ready glasses in hand we turned on the news and watched the ball drop as soon as it hit Everyone locked lips and all wished a happy new year... except, gues who. yeah thats right yours truley what was i doing you say.... I was cleaning up all the trash that was stroon about the place. I got one or two happy new year pats on the back or hand shakes from the people I served drinks to. As soon as all was said and done We left woo ha i couldnt have asked for a better new years even if i tried if you read this... please no pitty i dont need the dagger in deeper.