Sum Knowledge

Mar 16, 2016 21:00

Sending this out into the void in the hopes it reaches the people it needs to and conveys the sentiment and truth that I have come to learn from a lifetime of experience and exploration.

We live in a world full of forces. Some define these forces as spiritual using the expression of good and evil as their means of description.

Many feel these forces independent of dogma and without subscribing to any school of thought or philosophy.

Perhaps one could see these forces originating as a logical and quantifiable manifestation born of the stars and the planets which generate gravity and bind us by the laws of physics.

These can be debated with equal fervor and the ultimate answer may never be truly obtained. The point I will make here is that neither the question nor the answer need be phrased a certain way for us to acknowledge that forces are indeed at work in our lives. We can acknowledge this or we can choose to ignore it. Nevertheless they remain.

I have come to the realization that there is a pattern to how these forces influence us and what if any purpose they may have in our lives. There may or may not be an intelligence behind them. Still it is peculiar to note that there is most certainly a method and a logic to them.

This is what I believe.

If we are fortunate in our lives there comes a time where an individual becomes self aware. By this I mean there comes a moment in one's life where we question our place, our purpose (if indeed there is one), and connect with our inner self (our unconscious self/mind). This state may be fleeting or one might find themselves persisting in this state more often and with greater ease as they progress through life. It is a place / state where many can get to through emotional connection with music, through the use of entheogens, and through spiritual prayer or meditation. There may exist other forms and means to obtain this state and I am most certain there are. The experiencing and awareness of oneself in such a state is a positive one in which we open ourselves inwardly and outwardly. We connect to things, forces, ideas, emotions, which transcend the material / regular world we live in.

This is a place of wonder and possibilities which not only unleashes the power of our imagination but also places us one step closer to divinity. For the sake of this entry I will leave the definition of the term divinity to the reader.

We are powerful beings. We are full of life and potential. Every single one of us can change the universe in ways unknown and transcendent. Never doubt this for it is doubt and fear that limit the mind, the spirit, and the body from reaching it's infinite potential.

So as there exists these beautiful moments, states, and positive energy, there also exists the adverse.

Hate, Fear, and Doubt cloud the mind, limit the potential of the spirit, and poison the body. This is not a new revelation or a truth that is unknown to us. Shamans, Teachers, and Healers (all truly the same role) have known this since the dawn of man. However the distraction of our "modern" world often clouds this truth as we are "forced" to struggle to earn a living, constantly in motion to and from places, bombarded by all manner of external stimulation that drowns out the sounds of our thoughts, emotions, and spiritual connection to living things on our world and without.

There are forces within the noise. There are forces that are self-aware as we are self-aware. This is not cause for alarm. This is just acknowledging that consciousness exists outside of just humans. Animals have consciousness. Robots have consciousness. Planets and solar bodies have consciousness. This may sound silly to some but understand that the consciousness of Animals, Artificial Intelligence, and Celestial objects are different from our own but they do influence us and we feel empathy for them. This explains why we feel for animals, care for the earth, and strive to give life to inanimate things.

We are all part of this grand divinity. We are all connected by chemicals and by consciousness. We have created systems to connect to things through language, emotions, and forms of thought energy that we are only beginning to truly understand.

Still the forces remain and they influence us. So I have come to learn that there is a push. A challenge. A resistance much like the force of gravity that keeps us clinging to the ground. Some of these forces are as I said before self aware. Some of these forces push against our evolution. Some push against our desires to transcend our physical world our spiritual world. Some of these forces are man made while others are far older than man itself.

The truth I want to share with you lays in how to overcome these forces of entropy and negativity. The way to overcome them sounds simple but it is the hardest exercise one can perform.

You must learn to trust in yourself. Believe in yourself. Be true to oneself.

For the path to divinity, the path to your happiness and utter fulfillment lies within you. It is a truth that is buried deep within oneself that is attainable only by ones own determination to obtain it.

The path to self awareness is only the beginning of this journey. It is a journey that never ends but it most certainly has a start. You must choose to go on this journey. You must choose to be better. You must believe in your ability to obtain this truth. The truth is vast and ever evolving but once reached the path from that point forward is one so rewarding and full of power and infinite potential that it can not be described in any form. It transcends. You will transcend with it. You will become it. You will be.


Believe in yourself. Forces are always at work to keep you grounded and away from the light and divinity within and without. There is peace, truth, and happiness for every consciousness in all manner of forms. One can live a life oblivious to this and one may even live a decent and fulfilled life without deeper contemplation though it is not often the case nor would one truly understand the gift given if one does not choose to dig deeper and realize his or her or it's own potential.

Be true to yourself. Believe in yourself. Think for yourself. One must truly place oneself in an open, vulnerable, and honest state of self to connect with all that surrounds us and flows within and without us. This is not new age thinking. This is an ancient truth and the oldest quest since the dawn of our time.

Let go of hate. Let go of fear. Let go of doubt.

Trust in yourself. Believe in yourself and you will reach the inner truth and self awareness that will ultimately transcend all things and bring you, your world, your love to center.

Be yourself.

Love yourself.

The rest will fall into place.


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