Jun 12, 2006 03:59
Sold some stuff at Dave's today. It was really cool to make any kind of money whatsoever on my jewelry. I've been doing it for a year and haven't seen any payoff, so it was neat. We all drank coors all day and made tofu veggie shish-kabobs towards the end. I was more tired than I've been in a long time. I enjoy being so exhausted, it's glorious. Dave said the turnout was fantastic and he made a good $700, which is...a freaking killing. Thanks to you guys who came, I appreciated the hell out of it.
Think I've pretty much kicked this cold's ass. I coughed like an 80 year old smoker all last night and it was done. This is good. I won't be sick for the trips I'm about to make. Oh yeah--I won't be here for a week starting tomorrow. When I return, there will be budgeting for next year to sort out, a bit of money to be earned here and there, some experiments will be afoot as well. School to look forward to, possibly independent study until then. Possibly.
Man. Can't wait until I'm on the beach armed with an ice chest. Simplicity. Maybe I'll head back to the mountains soon, Jen's been talking about it. That was beyond amazing.
I'll go ahead and bet my own rump and all my chips on Colorado. I'll live there one day.