Feb 20, 2005 18:57
Man oh man!...It has been one stressful week! First off, I only got one day to sleep in last weekend so i was tired from the start of the week. Then the week itself was hard. I got assigned a lab for chemistry but i had to do the entire thing by myself! including making my own procedure! of course, i had a group, but we were all lost so it just wasnt good. Then, when i finally figured out what i was doing and had my procedure all written up my f-ing disk failed. and i didnt get to print out my lab because according to mrs shields "you are an honors class, in college they type labs. its time to get used to it" thats a pain in the butt. i had to redo my procedure three different times too! and when i finally had it right i couldnt retrieve it. so i was pissed off you like have no idea about that. anyways, i went out and bought new floppy disks and redid the entire f-ing assignment today and then i couldnt get my data tables to work properly so my lab is like 5 pages long, without conclusion and results! and im sposed to be starting on a second one! im still to busy trying to not jsut say "screw it" to the first one and work on it. Then we got assigned "book talks" in english. How retarded is that? according to mr souza "you need to become intimate with a book" i swear its like he wants us to fall in love and marry the damn thing. so anyways, hes gunna ask us all these questions about symbolism and the true meaning behind the book and stuff in front of the entire class and we are sposed to read beyond the words. Well guess whut? Krissy CANT read like that. im so literal its not even funny. i dont have the imagination and patience it takes to read a chapter 10 times and each paragraph in the chapter like 20 times each ot read like that. so ive decided to read a book ive already read to make it easier on me. so yeah, then on friday it rained so we spent the entire time at practice cleaning hte field which really sucked because i got my car dirty driving home. and i really needed to practice because of the scrimmage games this weekend. and anyone then can definately agree to that. lets see, so the game started and i was on the bench. freezing my ass off cuz i was too afraid to put my sweatshirt on for fear of being yelled at. so when i went into the game, i was already cold. then i missed...3 balls? that was embarrasing. and one went over the side fence and the coach was all "gotta have those!" all i could think was "do i LOOK like a frog that can hop fences over half my size?!" but i got over it. then i went up to bat and i was very confident with my self. Then i was told to slash. well thats something krissy just cant seem to get right. so i was thinking "well shit. im gunna suck and get cut." so yeah, big surprise, i missed that one. then i fouled off another. so i had 2 strikes. and i got a change up. I knew, the second i swung that i was WAYYY to early. i could tell. i was mad. then she dropped the ball, so i ran to first and im sure i looked like an idiot. i dont even want to BEGIN to think about that embarrassment. so yeah, i was thinking "its ok, i have 2 more games to prove myself in." and then it rained. and the games were cancelled. So i find out tomorrow if i made the team or not. And the coaches are going to be going off of the lousy game i had saturday morning...rrrr...
needless to say, im more worried about this than ive ever been about anything else in my entire life. everything i think about it i get all nervous and my legs feel like their gunna give out on me. im so afraid for tomorrow. but yeah, thats all i have to rant about. i feel better now...a little.
ps: pray for me tonight (even if you arnt religious)! i really want to make the team!