heh... read this and see what I mean LOL
Subj: behold the power of stupid annoying people
Date: 7/11/2003 12:50:34 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: PhreakOfNature13
To: PhreakOfNature13
thinker280: hello
PhreakOfNature13: hi... who's this?
thinker280: my name is gary
thinker280: what is your age
PhreakOfNature13: 23.. U?
thinker280: 25
thinker280: may i ask a question
thinker280: yo umaythink it is odd
PhreakOfNature13: ok
thinker280: what jeans and underwear do you wear
PhreakOfNature13: whatever's comfortable/fun at the time LOL
thinker280: yo uthere
thinker280: what brands are i nyoru closet
PhreakOfNature13: my JnCo's are my babys
PhreakOfNature13: hehe
thinker280: what wais tare you
PhreakOfNature13: 32
PhreakOfNature13: why are you askin me all this?
thinker280: curious
thinker280: what are ya wearign now
PhreakOfNature13: some shorts i'm gonna sleep in
PhreakOfNature13: heh
thinker280: what underwear
PhreakOfNature13: none... they are SLEEP SHORTS LOL
thinker280: yo uwear boxers?
PhreakOfNature13: sometimes
PhreakOfNature13: where did you even get my SN?
thinker280: slide your shorts down
PhreakOfNature13: why?
thinker280: please for me
PhreakOfNature13: no offence but if i throw a bone will you go away?
thinker280: if you do what i want
PhreakOfNature13: i don't know who you are
PhreakOfNature13: you are annoying you know that?
thinker280: well
PhreakOfNature13: well what?
thinker280: will yo uplease do what i want
PhreakOfNature13: nooo
thinker280: how big are you
PhreakOfNature13: big enough
thinker280: 7 invcher?
PhreakOfNature13: what's it matta to you?