Ocean Sunrise

Jul 05, 2003 06:05

I sit, just after six AM, waiting for the sun to rise over the ocean. Me, a 'being of night', still in my JnCo's I wore to the clubs last night and my eyes still darkened with eyeliner. Still I wear my "I Bite Back" shirt which I went out in... only change is I've put on a different hooded shirt. Do I have someone to share my first ocean sunrise since July or August 2000? No. I share this with me. Lonely? Yes. Sad? A bit. Depressed? Hell NO! I refuse to be that again. I admit I am sad to be alone emotionally, physically... BUT, I refuse to let it take me to a reduced state of mind. I know I came upon earth alone physically... yet I know not emotionally. My re-found spirituality and drive for life is my driving foce which empowers me more each passing day, as I allow it to that is. I can't help but wonder though, it's been about three years since my last ocean sunrise alone, when is my first to come with a lover? Dare to dream, dream to dare. No truer words I can think of at this point in my life... twenty-seven days before my 24th celebration of the incarnation of my spirit to this body.

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