Mar 24, 2006 22:55
Xi'an is a weird Viet name
I started research on a new article for aXp today on the subject of superheroes and I ran into two Marvel characters of Vietnamese decent who share the first name Xi'an. As far as I can tell, that's not a Vietnamese name. I dug online and the only thing I could come up with was that it's a city in China. So I tried breaking down the two words "xi" and "an." Xi means deflate or release and an means case. That doesn't make too much sense.
The article's gonna be awesome when I finish it sometime next week. That's not propaganda, it's fact.
Comedy Works
Gotta love a place that gives out a ton of free tickets. I won their contest, again. As did Mark. We got 20 tix each for Monday, March 27 and Monday, April 10. If anyone wants to go, lemme know.
Only catch: You have to be 21+ and there's a two-item minimum in the showroom. Fries and a soft drink is probably the cheapest way to go.
Inside Man
This latest film from Spike Lee about a bank robbery is a fun movie to watch. It's clever and well-written. I recommend it.
Yeah... I'm tired of writing reviews tonight. I just finished my "Fight Night: Round 3" and "The Sims 2: Open for Business" ones.