Dude. This place. Is like...NEAT. It's SOOOO neat. Neat like a...neat thing. WHY?!
I GOTTA MESS IT UP, MAN. FOR LIKE. My SANITY. For the sane of the saneness. It needs to be waaaay more chill in here. Hotness.
And this hair. DUDE, WHY did it ever bother me?! It TOTALLY fights the system! YAAAHHHH ANARCHYYYYY
There's only ONE way to make it even better. One way. Fuck yes.
[ooc: The Ravenclaw 3rd year male dorms are in shambles. And then he proceeded to the other male dorms...then the common room and outside. 8DDD Reverse!Kid is...an idiot. And a slob, with a side of anarchist. And he has dyed the other half of his hair
WHITE WITH BLACK STRIPES. Oh yes, the mun is that cruel. 8DDD There will be blood tomorrow.]