Jun 15, 2008 09:15
Sooo...Ken lost his job. Right before his 3 months, so we aren't getting any $$ from it. He still hasn't found one, and it's crazy stressful. I'm sure we'll be ok, but yeah, bad timing. He also didn't tell me about it for a week b/c he didn't want to "ruin my bday." So that made everything worse of course. We've pretty much been back to eating ramen and potatoes, and I've been drinking way too much than I should (btw I think it is kind of fucked up that huge quantities of vodka are cheaper than a small amount, but ha! it's working for me now), but it makes it easier for me to destress, honestly, b/c I am constantly having panic attacks.
We are going to be ok because I still have a few thousand in stock $$ in case of an emergency, but I don't really want to touch it. And I've already paid our mortgage off until Sept (had before this happened b/c I'm paranoid!), so that should be good. I'm really super grateful that we have photography jobs on the side, or this would be even harder. I am trying to get my "dream p-cola job," so hopefully that will pan out too b/c it pays a bit more, but we'll see. It just sucks that our house is going to take so much longer to finish! I will take pics eventually, but no promises on when. I did an awesome photoshoot yesterday with this girl in an insane asylum outfit looking like she was eating white paint...yeah, that's random, but it was awesome!!
Anyway, wish us luck, or pray for us if you do that sort of thing, because we need some good things coming our way right about now, namely $$!