you're the only one who knows exactly what i mean

May 23, 2005 21:44

hmm so school's almost over, and i definitely feel like we just got into high school. 8th grade i thought went by fast, but gaheez this was like CRAZY. i'm so glad its summer though, i need it.

anyways, so friday was one of the funnest nights i've had in soo long, but it got me in a lot of trouble with someone. but hey whatever, i had fun, and i told mrs O about it cause i was realy crabby and she said that as long as i wasnt doing anything really bad, and i enjoyed myself, it wasnt my place to feel all shitty just because other people did not like how i was acting. haha i love that lady

wow..this was stupid haha but i was bored to the 10th power

OH ok so funny funny story. im at katie's yesterday and her mom had all this trash on the side of the house, and she was like oh yeah its all garbage, so she's sleeping and this guy comes to the door and he's like im starting a vacuum store on ecorse, can i take those vacuums? and we go oh yeah sure and then her mom wakes up and is like AHH NO HE TOOK OUR GOOD VACUUMS. ahhahaha i just thought it was really funny..cause he wasnt sposta take those i guess ahahhaha :P

k bye <3
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