Aug 07, 2005 01:34
Well...another boring and tiring day at work is over. I swear, I work 6 hours and it feels like 12...must be cause I never get more than one day off at a time. I STAY tired, lol. Came in from work and found the house turned upside down...turns out my dad thought I might want to sort through everything I own (and have saved since I was little) to see if there was anything I wanted to take with me. I mean, honestly...doesn't he think if I wanted to sort through everything I own I woulda done it by now considering I've been living at home ALL SUMMER?! Now here it is, three days before I'm gonna be loading up the van to carry my stuff up to the apartment, and he thinks I feel like looking through all that. I don't even know which boxes I had already packed now, there's so many! I'm very aggravated right now, and to top it all off, he made me feel bad by saying "oh I'm sorry I caused you so much trouble just cause I tried to help..." and went to bed. He'd have stayed up at least another hour if I hadn't told him I thought it was stupid to turn the house upside down with all my stuff everywhere when we coulda just waited til I moved out then sorted the stuff out in the room I'll be leaving empty. It wasn't my room to begin sis took my room when I went to college so I had to sleep in her old room all summer. But I'll be doing much better when I get to the apartment Wednesday...YEE HAW!!! Looks like everythings gonna work out fine if I can just make it three more days...til then I'll just let y'all read, cause it'll probably take you til then to read everything I just wrote, and even longer than that to understand it, lol. (Sorry, didn't mean to write a just sorta happened!) ;)