a whole bunch of bullshit...and then some.

May 08, 2004 02:27

Work at the Cheesecake Factory is "a whole bunch of bullshit." No true-er words have ever been spoken... Jesus Christ! Here I am writing about work. Now that's bad. Maybe it's about that time to find a new job.

Well, how about this...My beloved Tony and I are starting our very own little biz Saturday night. In this type of biz it is necessary for us to work at night, on the weekend. We will work about 10 hours a week and get paid anywhere from $500-$1000 weekly. Sounds wonderful doesn't it? Let's hope so. If this biz works out, I'll be able to afford a lighter work schedual at "The Cheese." Thank god. I hope this works out well for both of us. Tony is amazing.

In other news I have been thinking about trying out some new things. Most would see these things/actions as horrible but my mind is open enough to try anything at least once. God damn I love living in Atlanta. There are so many things out for the taking.

One poor motherfucker- Keenan
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