I am highly amused with Microsoft Outlook spell checker, and how it changes Weet Bix to Wet Box. Hehehehe.
There is ample opportunity here for some photoshop fun, so imagine my surprise when I logged onto the Weet Bix website to find that it was offline, 'undergoing emergency maintenance'. Shit.
Firstly, what the fuck is emergency maintenance? Isn't maintenance what you do to avoid an emergency?
Second, what could be so wrong with the Weet Bix website that it had to be taken offline and changed? I can only assume that a website administrator left their spell checker on, and proudly proclaimed "Wet Box" to be high in fibre.
Thirdly, site owners are invited to 'view further details in the Mission Control News section'.
This got me thinking, what does Weet Bix Mission Control look like?
I hope Brett Lee was informed