yah, w/e

Nov 14, 2005 22:05

wow......i just dunno anymore......i thought everything was gettin better but now things seem to be weird again.....i mean i do have an awsome boyfriend of 5 wonderful weeks (today that is) but then i also have people who think its okay and funny and stuff to mock me, make fun of me and trash talk me.......i mean i kno i shouldnt let it bother me but it does bother me and even worse, the people who call themselves my friends are encouraging it by not standin up for me.....i mean they stand by and watch it all happen and pretend like it dont.....i cant say everyone is like that bc i do have my select few who made it known they have my bac.....and for that i thank them.....those of u who did tell those people makin fun of me to shut it ect.....ur cool, to the rest thanks a lot....i am sick of bein walked all ova.....and there is no need for u guys to watch it happen to anyone and not help them.....as for the whole license thing i am startin to think i wont be goin anywhere.....at least not til i see people showin me that they wanna see me not a ride.....i just am ready for things to stop being gay and mellow out.....thanksgivin is comin and something tells me the vk aint gunna be long enough and something also tells me that x-mas is gunna be weird....not knoin who to buy for, wat to buy them, who to ingore totally......who to see and who to avoid.....things r pretty ifie rite now and i dunno wats gunna happen but rite now i am stoppin here......nite to all who care.....and before i go i have to say happy 5 week hun bc u r the best and i luv u.......thanx for everything......u r my knight in shining armor.........

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