Jan 28, 2008 22:02
I can not believe the extents you will go to. You are a low, vile person for slandering my brother over a forum that you know his friends will see. What do you hope to accomplish with LIES? Yes, the comments you made are lies, and all you have done is piss me off and brought me in to the mix. Who the hell do you think you are posting his personal finances? Not all of us have our parents around to hold our hands and wipe our asses when the shit hits the fan. I'm sure I'll be getting a call from your parents about this post with the hurt feelings and all. And what the hell kind of pussy move is it bringing Daddy to Alex's work to hassle him? He was AT WORK FUCKER! The guy is doing his best to get his life in the clear and you show up at his place of business to yell at him about your bull shit? You are a piece of work dirt bag. Keep acting like the martyr, rally the troops against my brother, what ever it is you fuck sticks do, see what the end result is and here's a hint, you are not going to like it.
Alex has yet to get his settlement, and his gap coverage that pays off the remaining loan will not come in to affect untill the he receives his settlement. He has told you this, but you just won't fucking listen. This "self-less moral value" your family has is a joke, I didn't realize moral value entailed spreading lies about another person. Those are some ass backward moral views.
I say all this to you because Alex has taken the high road with you and let this shit slide, as his brother I'll defend his name, and if that means we meet in person then I am more than happy to, you have my number, call me.
Grow a pair pussy and stop hiding behind Daddy and get off Mommy's tit.