Woo Hoo!!! It's almost over!!!!

Dec 03, 2005 13:44

The end of the semester is coming around and I couldn't be happier. SOOOO sick of school, I tell ya, lol. So yea, newayz, was looking at John's xanga, leavin him a lil comment and I realized I haven updated this thing in a while so I thought i'd give all you fans out there the next chapter of this O so compelling story that is known as my life. So where was I. AAAA yes, the heart attack, well, as you know, it was no heart attack, and according to doctor's, there's nothing really wrong with me (well, physically newayz, lol) so it was prolly just a combination of stress and lack of food.Another reason i'm glad school is coming to an end, no more stress. Alrighty, on to topic two. So, things were goin well with JooHoo then idiot me had to screw it up. She comes over for a friday night (or saturday, can't remember which) to my school. We chill like all night, hook-up a buncha times, take a nap together, it was nice. Me being an idiot says "hey, wanna be my g/f", thinking that this would be good for me. Terrible idea. We go out for like a month, see each other a few times, talk on the phone a bunch, andthe more i get into this relationship, the more I realize that I just turned 21 and don't wanna be tied down by 1 girl. I wanna go out to a bar, meet a random girl, have a crazy night of passion, sneak out of her room the next day and do it again that night. I wanna live one of those crazy lives ya see on reality shows like Real World, with all the drama, antics, lust, and of course, drunkardness. So we both concented that we wanted different things and agreed that it'd be best if we broke up (I felt like such a dick though, it was the first time I ever made a girl cry). But, we hung out last night and she seemed normal enough, I mean, jus her usual quite in a crowd self, which I understand cause I was like that many eons ago. O yes, speaking of 21, I jus turned it recently, and my B-day was awesome. My DD, Corie (girl from work, pretty coo, big drinker, knows the bar scene, def the girl u wanna chill wit on ur 21st) first took me over to Chili's. Presidente' Margaritas and an Apple Martini (which i was laughed at for cause it's a chicks drink but oh well, i dunno nuthin bout the bar scene yet). Then it was over to her place for a few stellas, some making fun of myspace, British bands, and a discussion about her parents sex life, lol. Then, it was off to Jack's. Got her usual table right near the dart board and I started off with an Amstel light and some baseball. I'm not sure who won, I think i won the first and the second got interrupted cause WTF AIDAN AND PETE SHOWED UP. Fuckin' crazy man. So the four of us instantly go take a car bomb (for those unfamiliar with this irish alcoholic pun of a drink, it involves:

1/2 pint Guinness

1 oz Jamison

1/2 oz Bailey's Irish cream

Pour Guiness into a pint glass. Float Baileys on top of Jamison in shot glass. Drop shot glass, carefully, into Guiness. Drink quickly before it curdles.

So yea, i'm startin ta feel pretty trashed. Play some more darts, then Chris n Jon show up. They take shots of Jieggermister with me. Then thigs start gettin blurry. Apparently they convinced me that the pitcher was water and I was downing more beer. Then I somehow threw up on myself, no place other than my back (yea, i'm just that talented). Then I believe C&J took me home, gave me my present (a little plastic cop that jerks off, lmao) and I went bak to my room. I must of sobered up some from the ride cuase i def recall trying to hug Rob several times (he wasn havin it). Made an ass of myself for the entertainment of the third floor oakwood crew (timmay, jon, jason, laura, kate, and tyrone). I was tryin to do ninjitsu from Naruto, rollin down the hall like a ninja, feelin up kate's leg, called kara twice, one of which i yelled at her for not picking up the phone and the other was completely unaware of and so she recieved a voicemail of us taling, me doing ninjitsu, and goin to the bathroom (i'm sure both dan n kara were entertained by that one, lol). Tired opening my door with my idea, tried sliding it under the door thinking that would open it (so smart when i'm wasted, lol). And of course, my infamous quote "happy people drink water, and i'm not happy people". Cuddled with my bottle of water on the floor and was OUT. Woke up the next day round 12, went into PALs hungover, and decided that it was by far the most fun i've had in my life.

Umm... other than that, pretty uneventful school year. Def up'd my game lately, in turn, uping my self-confidence, and the cycle continues. Had fun friday night, but i tell ya, work the next day was rough. Last night was pretty sweet too minus the lack of Dane Cook. And I believe i'm jus gonna graduate from monmouth with a degree in English and then do journalism here at CSI. Well, thats bout it for now, this is a long enough entry. I'll leave you all with this advice Naruto and Bleach are freakin sick and u should so be watching them, now... GO... DL THEM NOW!!! , lol. Lataz peeps.
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