Lost rant...

Oct 20, 2006 17:34

This is a big surprise to everyone who knows me and reads this... I am actually going to complain about Lost.

1) Found out that Channel 4 have 'lost' (ahahah...) out to SkyOne for airing the next two seasons of Lost, so oh joy...no more Lost on tv for me, good job I download but I still like watching every week on tv aswel. So skyOne will be getting it, a month after its released in America, which is good if you have the channel, but I dont...
But apparently its then going to be shown on SkyThree, which luckily I have, except there will be a 6 to 12 month delay!!! How stupid, thats longer than I would have waited for it on Channel 4!
So that all equals to Lost rating dropping, and downloads sky rocketing...Lost loses out. So if that all goes sour theres a chance that Lost will just be completely cancelled from our tv altogether. NOT HAPPY!

2) Last night watched the 3rd episode....was not amused by that either...It seems that Lost is a bit of a dissapointment at the moment. The episode was a waste of time, boring, not progression, and the ending made me want to turn it off 2 minutes earlier...

See Lost rant! ^^

Hopefully next time i update with something Lost-ish it'll be nice, although if i talk about next weeks theres a good chance it wont be cause the episode looks distressing from the promos...

On an up note though...
7 months, 2 weeks, and 6 days till the London Lost convention! whoop!! Hopefully it will still be going by then...it better be.. grrrrrr
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