A conversation with dudleydo_right!

Aug 01, 2006 18:38

In lieu of a real essay, here's something that is a relatively acceptable substitute. Sort of.

kickeminthehead: I always just regard him as being bi

dudleydo_right: ME TOO.
dudleydo_right: XD

kickeminthehead: possibly oblivious to it for a while
kickeminthehead: but still bi.

dudleydo_right: Yessss. As is Fraser. Because. Duh.
dudleydo_right: People writing gay!Fraser make me go, "...and Victoria was a man."

kickeminthehead: Fraser also lacks the societal restrictions that either Ray has
kickeminthehead: not because he's canadian
kickeminthehead: but because he grew up so damn isolated

dudleydo_right: Heck yes. I don't think anyone would... care. XD Just keep to yourself and don't bother anyone else.

kickeminthehead: XD
kickeminthehead: I think it's just... more pragmatism.

dudleydo_right: Oh? XD

kickeminthehead: Just kind of an attitude of "so?" only not so blunt
kickeminthehead: I mean, I possibly could look at it as projection, as it's sort of my general view towards sexuality
kickeminthehead: but at the same time, it's like he's got other issues, and sex would be a pretty minor one to him.

dudleydo_right: Oh, as far as Fraser is concerned? Yeah. I'm pretty sure it just doesn't even occur to be a problem toh im. Like. There are more things to -- yes, what you said. When you're out trying to survive the last thing on your midn is what the person next to you is attracted to, I figure. XD

kickeminthehead: well, that's what I mean by the "so?" kind of attitude. The way that he looks at the world shows that attraction to someone of the same sex would probably be such a silly issue in regards to the big picture for him.

dudleydo_right: Ahhh, yes.

kickeminthehead: Like "uh huh. I have to go catch a poacher now, so you go deal with that."

dudleydo_right: ...yes. XD

kickeminthehead: And he's so based in logic that a relative pragmatism towards sex would seem totally IC for him. Like "well, I'm attracted to you, so that's pretty much all I need to know."

dudleydo_right: I agree completely. Don't sweat the small stuff.

kickeminthehead: That's always been the way I've regarded it. XD

dudleydo_right: And you are generally right on the money, so.

kickeminthehead: HEH
kickeminthehead: I AM ALWAYS RIGHT
kickeminthehead: (lies)

dudleydo_right: XD

kickeminthehead: I mean, this is sort of the same way I could make an argument for RayK being bi and RayV being straight

dudleydo_right: Oh? Because of their views on life? XD

kickeminthehead: The way they were raised and the simple personality issues

dudleydo_right: Makes sense.

kickeminthehead: Vecchio is obviously Roman Catholic. Hell, he's ITALIAN and Roman Catholic

dudleydo_right: ...yes
dudleydo_right: I don't think anything other than being straight would cross his mind. XD

kickeminthehead: Exactly.
kickeminthehead: He's obviously attracted to women, but not with the sort of desperation that RayK has

dudleydo_right: Mmn.

kickeminthehead: And his regard to Fraser is so deeply fraternal.
kickeminthehead: He's definitely taken on a brother figure sort of stance towards him.

dudleydo_right: It really, really is. And he's Fraser's first... real friend, as far as I can tell. Who isn't, like, older. (Quinn.)
dudleydo_right: I mean, who's a peer.
dudleydo_right: Because I'm sure Fraser had friends, but. Sort of. ... Er.

kickeminthehead: He's teasing, affectionate. But it's always seemed so deeply nonsexual. The romantic interests RayV shows throughout the series are near Victoria-like passions, but not as destructive.
kickeminthehead: Heh.

dudleydo_right: mmm, yes.

kickeminthehead: And if you would go gay for anyone, it would be Fraser.

dudleydo_right: Like with that one woman... whose name eludes me.
dudleydo_right: HAHA YES.
dudleydo_right: Everone else does. XD Or. Something.

kickeminthehead: Seriously.

dudleydo_right: XD

kickeminthehead: And RayK is... just, very different.
kickeminthehead: It's unsure if he's been raised with a strong religious background, and he lives in a perpetual identity crisis
kickeminthehead: It's easy to believe that he would have issues with any attraction to men.
kickeminthehead: He lives in a constant state of flux, trying to reconcile himself with being Vecchio, who he thought he was before Stella divorced him, and who he is in the present.

dudleydo_right: Mm. He's very dynamic, ha.

kickeminthehead: It's obvious that Stella leaving him has left him floundering, and the introduction of Fraser makes Fraser the Most Important Person in his LIFE, whether he likes it or not.
kickeminthehead: And Fraser is not necessarily intended to be that person, he's supposed to be part of his cover. But he is that person.

dudleydo_right: His life does sort of revolve around Fraser, hence the confusion when RayV reappears.

kickeminthehead: RayV reappearing suddenly shows that he is not the only important person in Fraser's life, and that throws him so hard.
kickeminthehead: You can see him shrinking into himself as soon as Vecchio appears. He completely loses his footing.

dudleydo_right: Definitely.

kickeminthehead: It's like suddenly realizing the person you've been with for two years still has someone else that isn't you.
kickeminthehead: And that "hey, this is the guy that was here first, this is the guy were supposed to be." And remembering you're NOT.

dudleydo_right: And considering Fraser is HIS only important person, really, Fraser having more than one rocks the boat.
dudleydo_right: Haa.

kickeminthehead: God, I could totally go on about this forever. XD

dudleydo_right: XDDD ESSAY?

kickeminthehead: I SHOULD JUST QUOTE THIS.


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