ETM Gems

May 08, 2013 03:15

One of my favorite Eric the Midget-related quotes:

Eric: I listened to all of Wednesday's show on hold, and I didn't even hear you mention once that [the American Idol people] were supposed to call in or anything.
Howard: You know that phrase, "You snooze, you lose"? You literally snoozed and you lost.
Artie: You snost and lost.

And literally every time Artie cuts Eric off in the middle of one of his long-winded stories to say "That's nice--Bye, Eric!"

I love Fred. His impressions are the best, and the times when Eric lashed out at him for participating in the anti-Eric antics were pretty funny. I don't remember exactly what he said, but on a couple of occasions Fred sounded legit mad...

When I watch Richard Christy, something about him reminds me of Benedict Cumberbatch.... At point-blank, the resemblance doesn't really hold up, though, I guess:

radio: howard stern

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