
May 25, 2014 14:48

Had the most peculiar and frightening of dreams last night. I had a total of 3 dreams, 1 was an inception kind of dream and the other 2 were the first i've ever had.
i dreamt that i was battling demons. Flying, red coated with horns kind of demons. I had a special sword in my hand. They came swooping down...
2 dreams because the first was long; story-like. located in the mountains, in an open field. With people, whose faces i didnt seem to recognise but love.
The second was in a house. Amongst my cousins and i, the only one wielding the sword.

Woke up exhausted and hair in a mess.
I wondered if it were a spiritual attack? Seeing how i was growing in the spirit for a while now, and had a sudden attack of the blues last night. Hmm...


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