Finally got around to seeing the dears :') The moment she saw me, she came running and gave me a big hug around the waist. The big toothy grin across her face as she looked up at me, i couldnt help but laugh and hold her tighter. Picked up her little brother at school and he was a little shy. But as we walked down the stairs, he grabbed hold of my hand sooo tight and his eyes started to disappear with that giggle and a smile. He got so excited, talking really fast he said, "I went to the Butterfly Park today! And there were so many butterflies and they were flying around and on my head!" Such a charmer, this 4 year old is.
We got to their house and played with Lego. He wanted me to build a bus/truck, so we decided to try it together. The way he build and seperate the bricks was so lovely to watch. And when he talks, you cannot help but laugh. He got a bruise on his cheek, running into th door (silly boy) so he got himself his Spiderman ice pack. (cutest thing)
If i could, i would listen to the little man speak all day. Especially when he converses in French. He's well on his way to be a heart breaker someday.
Had dinner together and he made me sit beside him. Got him to wash his hands and he grabbed my hand and started sinking his teeth into it. So i bit his little tiny shoulder too. (hahaha) After letting go he asked, "Is it wet? your hand?" "You tell me?" "YES!-Cheeky laugh-" "Of course it is! eeeeek!" We laughed and i tickled him and swipped his saliva off, on his shirt (haha)
At the dinner table he and Charlotte were telling us knock-knock jokes. Hahaha, oh their wits.. Ollie decided to mimic my actions and called me 'mama' while patting my shoulder. Cheeky fella, that boy is.
After dinner we went back to more Lego building and Ollie decided to play the Piano for me. His little fingers dancing on the keys looked so adorable. Charlotte joined in and showed me how a violin is played. It was beautiful.
And the kids believe (whole heartedly) in the tooth-fairy.
"Next time i drop my tooth, i am going to ask the tooth fairy for a credit card. So i can buy a car and a house, mama. Or a cashcard also can."
Oh what a clever, Clever boy he is. (hahaha) i couldnt stop laughing when i heard it.
I love children. Their innocence. Their wits. They sure say the darnest things:)
Times as such, i wonder how incredible it is to be a mom. (haha. We'll see)
Photos from le iPhone.