Sep 19, 2005 10:32
Girls and Bathrooms: You know what really grinds my gears? The girls in my school. Do they lack the ability to flush a toilet? Seriously. Everytime I walk in to use the bathroom, there is always a toilet or two that is not flushed. WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH THAT? Where they never tought the Flush the Toilet skill? Did there parents never think it important enough to teach them? I cant imagine what college will be like for them. There they are in the dorm room and they go to the bathroom that is shared by the floor and they dont flush. Now that will be tragic. They will be laughed at by everyone. *sigh* Even if their parents did teach them how to flush the toilet, why dont they practice this very useful skill? If they dont want to touch the flusher thing with there hands, there are ways to get around that. Use your damed foot if you have too. And if you are a nonflusher, dont even start to complain about how dirty the school is, it is your fault too.
So my advice to you all:FLUSH THE DAMNED TOILET!