This is my feeble attempt of photographing human beings [as my subjects]. :c) It's not much but I hope you like it.
I am a little girl, hear me ROAR! this case, my current thousand-mile journey is learning how to truly photograph people. What I mean by truly photgraphing people is for me to authentically capture a person's spirit, humanity and essence in a frame: [edit]And not just photographs of people with beauty, glamour, or people in events and gatherings.[/edit] Perhaps this is the reason why most of the subjects I have under my "people portfolio," are children. They exude truth, sincerity and beauty in the form of humility and simplicity.
I look forward to the day where I'd get to take photographs of all kinds of people: young and old, from all walks of life. But for now, here are some people photgraphs to view.
I am the Melody Man: all I've got is music and a make shift violin.
Paolo rules the world. (My godson, Siopao)
Alyson listens attentively.
Lords of the playground: Jack and Chase.
Jing thinks of happy thoughts to make her fly.
"Sleep and remember my lullabye, for I'll be with you when you dream..."
Band of brothers
Baby's Day Out!
Mother and Child
When you rarely ask for favors, it sure stings like hell to be denied on the rare occasions that you ask. It is also rather more hurtful, when the favor you were asking was so small, so menial; and still, you were denied. Rejected. Disregarded. [edit]Now I know how my Mother feels, whenever I disregard her little and simple requests. Oh the pain! The pain![/edit]