The host of "30 Minute Meals" on the Food Network. Check her out weeknights at 6. She's got that whole cheerleader peppiness about her but rather than detract (read: iritate the fuck out of me) from her, it somehow fits because you can just tell that off the set there's some serious partying in her. I watch very closely, looking for signs that she may be "in the family" or at least a little inclined to a night's daliance after a great meal and copious amounts of alcohol.--by someone to whom I must 100% concure with. I know me and my wife, Wolfy, watch $40 a day on Food Network each and every Tuesday night @ 10pm (EST)/9pm(CST) to watch and have a good time joking about how lush and lezzie Ray Ray is! =}
This is a community to speculate rather or not Rachel Ray is a lesbian; just for fun and not an actual indicator of her real sexual orientation. You can use screencaps, quotes, body language, where are eyes go, how she acts towards each individual gender; you can even write a lengthy drawn out thesis on "why I think that Rachel Ray is a lesbian" and/or you can be direct and to the point as you want.