Title: Tea, A Bridge, and Bodies
Pairing: Zuko/Sokka
Rating: PG-13 (may change in the future)
Summary: Sokka realises that there are steps to forgiveness.
AN: This story is very much AU… It’s also slash (or yaoi, whichever you prefer). In addition, I’m sure that they’re all OoC… o well. (I wouldn’t recommend this if you like Jet…)
Day Three
Sokka woke up happy for the first time in months, possibly years. For once, there was something to look forward to besides work. Tonight, he had a date. With a human being. Sokka paused at that thought. Of course he would have a date with a human being. It’s not like he was into bestiality. With a shudder, Sokka began getting ready for his day. Had it really been that long since he had seen another human socially? Sokka frowned at the continued usage of the word “human” by his accursed mind. Perhaps it really had been too long. Solitary living was not helping Sokka’s mental state, it seemed. With a sigh, Sokka resigned himself to the fact that, yes, he had been single far too long.
Incorrigible! Jet was still angry at the insult. It had ruined his night. For once, by not being there, Zuko had ruined Jet’s night! Jet paused, wondering why what Zuko thought of him suddenly mattered. With a shake of his head, Jet dismissed the concrete idea of Zuko and began planning a night out that was so extravagant any thought of his former significant other would be impossible to sustain. Of course, Jet mused, it wouldn’t matter. Zuko had a date. After months of silently enduring partner after partner that Jet paraded in front of him, it seemed that Zuko had finally gotten the concept of an open relationship into his head! So why did that upset Jet so much?
At this particular moment in his life, Zuko hated tea. He hated how long it took to brew. He hated how it smelled. He hated how it tasted. He hated how people wanted it. He just simply hated tea. When he mentioned his hatred of tea to a coworker, they just stared at him, startled. With a groan, Zuko realized how pointless a hatred of tea would be. And, the pointlessness of hating it made Zuko hate tea even more! The entire concept of leaves in hot water was very hate-able. Really, it was. Never mind the fact that, perhaps, Zuko was really mad at himself for thinking Jet stilled cared. Or that he was mad at himself for still even wanted Jet’s approval for anything. Or, even, that he was mad at himself for hating an inanimate object. Although, Zuko reasoned, the last one wasn’t really something to get mad at yourself for. But still… tea was utterly deplorable at the moment.
Sokka was getting frustrated with smiling and nodding. It seemed as if that was all he did whenever he was in the main offices downtown-smile and nod and agree with whatever the boss said. Never mind that the boss had been sitting in an office chair for the past twenty years, while the city blossomed and expanded to limits previously unimaginable. And never mind that Sokka was really rather sick of being told that he was a bright young mind with potential, but yet was never given the chance to show that he could use that mind. With an inward groan, Sokka smiled and nodded when he received his next assignment (remodeling a skyscraper a few blocks away), and then was dismissed as those who made more money than him discussed whom to hire next…
Jet had decided that visiting Zuko at work would be the best way to get under his skin. Especially since Jet figured that was where Zuko had met the mystery date. After all, Jet couldn’t remember Zuko ever going out and partying. And, Jet had realized, he didn’t want their open relationship to truly be open. He wanted to be the one who went off and met people and brought home people, while Zuko was there, as the constant back up, the constant that never changed amidst a sea of bodies. Zuko meeting someone and leaving Jet, eventually, because of it, bothered Jet greatly. Hence, for once, an insult from Zuko bothered him enough to ruin an entire night.
Zuko hated tea even more when Jet suddenly walked in. Today, it seemed, no good could come from tea. What made the day worse, perhaps, was the absence of the stranger, especially since it was past noon (hence, Zuko reasoned, why Jet was awake). Yes, tea was a truly spiteful beverage.
On the train ride to the teashop (and, Sokka smirked, the bridge), Sokka glanced at the plans for the skyscraper. The project was another easy one. But, of course, feeling the need to challenge himself, Sokka tried to think of every possible variation of easy, so that he would have something to preoccupy his mind with, as opposed to the empty rooms and bed that constantly surrounded him. Although, as the train came to his stop, Sokka smiled as he remembered that, maybe, in a short while, his life wouldn’t be so… superficial and empty.
Jet enjoyed seeing Zuko nervous. Which, upon reflection, was probably a bad thing for their relationship. Nonetheless, it was entertaining to Jet. Especially since Zuko kept glancing at the entrance. Therefore, Jet surmised (thanks to the word-a-day calendar at the counter, otherwise he would have just reasoned), the mystery date had yet to materialize for the day, making Jet’s impromptu visit all the more delightful for Jet, and wretched for Zuko. Jet thought about telling Zuko he’d leave, if Zuko were willing to not go on the date. And, after glance number 600 at the door, Jet was preparing to get up and tell Zuko his terms, when, suddenly, Zuko turned pale, despite the small smile that had made its way onto his lips. Jet frowned, then turned towards the door. It seemed that mystery date had just walked in… and, at the very least, Jet had to say Zuko had good taste.
Zuko felt faint. And he felt… very angry with tea. If it weren’t for the tea, he wouldn’t be stuck with current boyfriend and potential boyfriend in the same vicinity. And, he wouldn’t have to try and act casual towards both of them. With a groan, he realized that tea was making everything worse, since now Jet was heading towards him, with a wicked grin on his face. And then, as Jet whispered into his ear, Zuko realized just how much he hated tea, had always hated tea, and would like nothing more than to throw a scalding pot of it on Jet. When Jet rocked back onto his heels, an overly victorious grin on his face, Zuko couldn’t resist throwing the cup of tea in his hand onto that smug face. That, Zuko felt, was a very sufficient no to Jet’s terms.
Sokka was shocked. He couldn’t believe that he had just witnessed an attack via hot tea. Whatever the now-wet man had said had evidently angered the golden-eyed one. Sokka realized he was staring, mouth slightly agape, and he quickly shook himself into consciousness, and took a seat, willing to wait until later to find out just why his date was assaulting others with his product…
Jet was scowling at Zuko. A simple no would have sufficed as an answer. There was no need to go and throw tea on him! Muttering a few curses in Zuko’s direction, Jet left the tea shop, and headed home, planning his next attempt at keeping Zuko his carefully.
Zuko offered up a weak smile to everyone who was staring at him, and gave a little shrug, as if to say that it was really no big deal what had just transpired. And, really, Zuko reasoned, it wasn’t. It was all the tea’s fault, anyway. When he was finished with the tea for today, there was a night to be spent with someone else, someone who wasn’t party-crazy overly controlling sex-fiend Jet. Because, Zuko had decided, that’s what Jet was, and nothing more. Now, as long as he could keep telling himself that, perhaps he could rid himself of the slightly neurotic partner. Removing Jet from his thoughts, Zuko headed over to the cause for optimism, and confirmed the plans for that night.
Sokka left the teashop in a good mood, plans confirmed for the evening, and the prospect of seeing The Boulder live for the first time. Never mind the fact that most people he knew found wrestling to be juvenile and fake. It amused, and distracted, Sokka, and therefore he felt that it was a delightful waste of his time. And, sharing that time with someone else wasn’t such a bad prospect, either.
Perhaps two partners would drive Zuko over the edge enough to have him come crawling back, Jet mused. Of course, he could be going about this the wrong way. Jet frowned. Zuko had always liked those little shows of affection that made Jet gag slightly. Perhaps he should start being slightly more affectionate… With a snarl, Jet decided to forget about affection and just get wasted, partially hoping Zuko would just come crawling back, seeking out Jet, but knowing that he probably wouldn’t, and Jet would be alone, despite the dozens of faces that he came across.
Zuko felt slightly out of his element here, among screaming fans holding posters proclaiming love and beat downs. But, what made everything much more enjoyable was a soft, warm hand dragging him through the crowd, and the owner of that hand glancing back at him, delight filling up his eyes, and a genuine smile plastered onto his face. And, once they were in their seats (even though, Zuko found, they would never actually be sitting), that smile was whispering into his ear, telling him about this chaotic new world he found himself in. Each hushed word sent a joy-filled sensation throughout Zuko’s body, even though the words weren’t even very special in nature. And, for probably the first time that day, Zuko was glad tea existed…
Sokka was thrilled when there was a proclamation that The Boulder Will Crush All Opponents, and The Boulder Will Accept Your Defeat. And, he found that he enjoyed whispering things about the match into his companion’s ear, while their hands were still intertwined, even though they probably wouldn’t lose each other in the crowd anymore. Then, when The Boulder Challenges Anyone Brave Enough, Sokka couldn’t help but tease the man next to him, by suggesting that perhaps he should throw some tea onto The Boulder, so that The Boulder Feels The Burn. The blush that crept onto the other’s face pleased Sokka greatly, and made him oddly hopeful for the future…