Title: Tea, A Bridge, and Bodies
Pairing: Zuko/Sokka
Rating: PG-13 (may change in the future)
AN: This story is very much AU… It’s also slash (or yaoi, whichever you prefer). In addition, I’m sure that they’re all OoC… o well. (I wouldn’t recommend this if you like Jet…)
Day One
Zuko had to admit: Jet’s open relationship wasn’t working.
It had been one thing when Jet had been bringing home a different girl every once and awhile. But, now he was bringing home girls and guys, and it was normally a different one everyday.
And, through all of these bodies (because that’s what Zuko had determined they were by this point), there was the one constant.
And that constant was beginning to think that this wasn’t working.
Hence, here the constant was, mulling over what his life had become, while washing the dishes that body number 57 and Jet had used for dinner the night before.
Zuko sighed; they really needed to get a dishwasher.
“I think that there has to be an easy solution to the bridge problem.” Sokka said, surveying the problematic construction project from the shore. He frowned. It looked like this was going to be another take-home project. A small sigh escaped his lips. Another night alone-- pouring over construction projects.
He would have to go into work soon. Zuko frowned. He really needed to find a job he actually enjoyed. Managing a local teashop really wasn’t cutting it. For about the tenth time that morning, Zuko sighed. He needed to talk to Jet about the increase in nameless bodies. But, first, he had to go into work.
Jet quite enjoyed sleeping in late. Of course, sleeping in late was always more enjoyable when there wasn’t someone next to you, blocking some of the bed. Jet frowned. He supposed that there was one advantage of Zuko having to leave early for work-he got the bed to himself in the morning. Then again, this body wasn’t Zuko. A fact that Jet had liked the night before… He sighed and tried to get comfortable next to the random woman so that he could fall back asleep…
Sokka needed a drink. Preferably a strong one. With a high alcohol content. And in a large glass. That accursed bridge was proving to be more of a challenge than he originally thought it would be. And being out since five that morning wasn’t helping matters. Grumbling about suspensions and water depths, Sokka headed into the first open drink shop he came across. Never mind the fact that they sold tea-anything liquid would hopefully work at this point.
Sometimes Zuko wished he wasn’t so loyal. Yes, he and Jet were currently in an “open” relationship. And, yes, Jet was sleeping with everything that moved. And, yes, earlier Zuko had determined that things with Jet weren’t working. But… but he and Jet were technically, on some level, still a couple. And that made it pretty impossible for Zuko to fully enjoy the openness of their relationship. Never mind the fact that the stranger who just walked in was cute. And never mind the fact that Jet had been pointedly ignoring him. And never mind the fact that Zuko felt that he wanted to be with Jet-even if Jet was acting like he wanted nothing to do with Zuko.
Sometimes, Zuko decided, you had to step outside your comfort zone.
Sokka decided that he liked that teashop (“No, you liked that guy” his mind chided). Perhaps, tomorrow, after dealing with that bridge problem, he would go back…. and maybe, just maybe, he wouldn’t keep spending his nights alone.
Zuko felt that the entire interaction had gone very well. Of course, now he had to deal with the guilt. The guilt for pursuing someone else, when he was still with Jet… and the guilt for enjoying it so much. With a sigh, Zuko started to brew more tea, hoping to finish it before the post-lunch rush in an hour or so.
Jet yawned. A full-body yawn that stretched his limps out as far as they could go. The nameless person had left a couple of hours ago, citing work and obligations, and all of the things that Jet had heard before in the morning. He didn’t really mind when they left. He had never liked any of them enough to care about why they were going. At this point, he was just doing this to see the crushed look in Zuko’s eyes every time he brought someone new home. Jet smirked. The honorable types always were the easiest to upset.
Sokka had spread the bridge plans across the table, as well as the latest maps of the river, and the city. The quicker he figured out the bridge problem, the quicker he could start on a new job, and the more he could pad his resume for when he applied for the city planner job. Sokka sighed as he doled overly moist rice into his mouth. The midpoint of the river, and therefore the bridge, was proving to be difficult. The river was really too deep for concrete, but the bridge needed a support. And Sokka really hated suspension bridges. As the bridge problem continued to be evasive, Sokka’s mind wandered back to the teashop…
A small smile playing on his lips on helped to confirm that a return visit was very much needed.
Zuko quietly knocked on Jet’s bedroom door. When there was no answer, Zuko sighed and softly called out Jet’s name. At the continued absence of a response, Zuko gave up on Jet being in and morosely made his way to his own room. Perhaps tomorrow they could talk…
Of course, Zuko wistfully thought as he flopped onto the mattress, maybe by tomorrow, Jet’s existence wouldn’t even matter…
That thought, however, was quickly followed by a pang of guilt for even thinking about someone besides Jet.
With a sigh, Zuko tried to fall asleep, his mind torturing itself with the idea of someone else…