Character: Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow, Clint Barton/Hawkeye/Aaron Cross, Dr. Marta Shearing Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe/The Bourne Legacy Crossover Setting: Pre Avengers Movie/ Ending of The Bourne Legacy (AKA SPOILERS!) Rating/Warnings: Violence. Word Count: 475 Prompt: None, but I blame Loki for this. Also I blame outcomefive for the new verse enabling. Author’s Notes: Because it had to be written. Assuming Barton has been implanted into Operation Outcome and Natasha has been following him the whole time. Huge mega AU things going on here, of course. Also it should be noted I have NOT seen the other Bourne flicks, so I’m making shit up. Spoilers: The Bourne Legacy ending spoilers. Sorta.
Whatever Operation Outcome had done to the man now known as ‘Aaron Cross’, it was remarkable. The Black Widow had never seen the archer so proficient with guns in all the time they’d worked together. He would give her a run for her money if they ever crossed paths, but she was good and she made sure they never did. Even after Byer sent Larx to take him out. The last living proof of Operation Outcome, and the doctor who’d helped to make it all possible.
Shearing was dragging him down. She’d end up getting Barton killed, Natasha was sure of it. But somehow, maybe through pure dumb luck the woman had proved useful. A ping of jealousy flared up inside Natasha Romanoff as she dismounted her own motorcycle, casually walking over to the now unconscious Barton and the clearly shaken Shearing. The scientist, of course, assumed the Widow was another assassin. She was, but she wasn’t working for anyone but herself at the time, and she didn’t want Barton or the woman who’d saved him dead.
Shearing tried to flee, to pull ‘Aaron’ with her but Natasha held up a hand as she drew her weapon, not even looking at Marta as she fired a shot between Larx’s eyes. The Black Widow stepped over the body, returning to her own idling motor cycle to retrieve an archery case that contained Haweye’s bow and arrows. Barton seemed so incomplete without it.
She dropped the case near her former partners unconscious body. The Black Widow scowled at Barton’s face as Shearing watched, unsure what was going to happen. After a few moments, Natasha leaned down, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “ Don’t ever let anyone take away who you are, not even yourself” She whispered in Russian before she stood.
Marta stared at her, awestruck. Natasha didn’t blink. “Make sure he gets that.” She nodded to the case before pulling a pair of reflective sunglasses and a card that contained only a SHIELD logo on the front from her pocket. “And when he starts asking questions you can’t find the answers to,” She looked down at Barton again, smiling. “And he will if he’s still the man I know, just give him those and tell him to find Coulson or Tasha.”
That was all she said before she got back and the bike and sped away, leaving no one to help but a boatman and his son. It was better that way. Everything would fall together soon enough.