James Holmes is DOUCHE (to say the VERY least)

Jul 26, 2012 15:09

I am getting really sick of these shootings. What the fuck is wrong with this world? And is it just me, or does it seem like this stuff happens more frequently in America? By that I mean these rampage shootings.  I can't believe this is the only guy whose been taken alive, which is kinda gonna make his insanity defense seem pointless.  If he was really crazy he would never have thought to wear body armor, and I really doubt he would have given up peacefully.

Look, we're all so sorry aware you can't talk to women, and you can't get fucked unless you pay for it.  But if you're so angry at the world KILL YOURSELF INSTEAD.  No one will miss you. (BTW- I am pretty convinced that MOST of the fucktards that kill a lot of people do so because they are total losers who can't get laid - or even have normal human interaction- I know this is a gross oversimplification, but I am not in the mood to write down everything I've learned about mass murderers)

I changed my userpic.  I briefly considered deleting all my Joker fanfiction.  Then I thought, "FUCK THAT!" I worked hard on that stuff and put a lot of time into it and I got a lot of good reviews, so why should I get rid of it because of some stupid fucking dick face has to kill a bunch of people?

i hate assholes

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