I am Jack's raging bile duct

Feb 26, 2012 13:20

I HATE my boyfriend's brother!! I HATE his fucking guts! He just quit drinking after being thrown in jail for probably the 10th time.  He beat the shit out of his drunk girlfriend (also, probably for the 10th time).  So this dipshit FINALLY decides to quit drinking and I'm supposed to give a shit about him?



I have hated this fucking loser since I first met him almost 2 years ago.  I don't give a fuck that he FINALLY is trying to be an adult.  I do NOT want to hang out with him.  I do NOT want to be his friend.  I do NOT want him in my house.  I do NOT give a fuck whether he lives or dies!

Danny wanted to have him over for coffee and I went fucking nuts.  He is not welcome here.  I don't care how it makes Danny feel. I am not trying to bring people over here that he hates.  I stopped hanging out with a friend because he hates her (everyone else does too).  Does he not understand that?  Go to your parents house to hang out with that fucking garbage!  They live right behind us!  (And his loser brother is living with them)  I don't want him here.  ever.

He walked past our house earlier and waved and I just stared at him. I should have given him the finger.  I have a feeling that Danny hasn't told him that I think he's the fucking scum of the earth.  That's stupid.  I want him to know that I hate him.  All I can do is promise I won't spit in his face when I see him.  Fucking trash.

I think the reason I hate him so much is that he is JUST LIKE MY DAD. (my father was[is] a drinker... and a fiend..lol) And I hate that fucker.  When he dies I will donate his body to science if someone tries to tell me I have to be responsible for his remains.  I'll put him in a card board box and throw him in a ditch.

Anyway, I guess I do feel bad that I won't let Danny hang out with his ass-licker brother over here, but it's not like he even has to drive to go see him.  what's the big fucking deal?  The dude makes me very uncomfortable on top of all the hatred and disgust.  I told him if he did have that douche over, I will lock myself upstairs until he's gone, and why should I be a prisoner in my own house? Is that fair?

fuck this shit

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