More Silly

Jul 11, 2011 14:19

I am such a tard. I got on the freeway this morning after dropping Dan off @ his boss' and I saw that traffic was RIDICULOUSLY backed up on the route I would take back. So instead of taking the backroads which would have taken 20 minutes MAX, I assumed that traffic would be cleared up and got on the freeway AND SAT IN TRAFFIC FOR AN HOUR!
not only that: I could have gotten off when i saw how bad traffic was AND I DIDN'T. then the next exit i need to take I got so pissed and went the other way to get off at another spot and a few miles down the road there was MORE TRAFFIC!! so i got off that road which led me to the first place I should have and could have gotten off, which means I WENT IN A HUGE FUCKING CIRCLE. I was so disgusted with myself. Not only for thinking the traffic would be gone, but because it's nearly 90 already at that time and my car started overheating and I had to open all my windows and blast the fucking heat!! Plus I left my lighter @ home so I couldn't have a cigarette.

Now for something that amused me. Dan's friend came over with his daughter yesterday (Dan's her God Father) and she wanted a popsicle. We never have them, we usually get ice cream instead. She looked ridiculously disappointed, because apparently @ Dan's parent's house they always had popsicles or at the very least, candy. So she said:
"When are you moving back there?" to which we both replied in unison:
I know she's little and doesn't know any better, but that kinda struck me as rude when she was like: "Make sure you have popsicles next time I come over." and she said it more than once so if he ever does buy any I'm gonna EAT ALL OF THEM AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

I swear you give a kid something once and then they expect it all the time unless you tell them it was a special treat. The same thing happened to my friend when she brought her nephew a toy he expected another one every time she came to visit.

more silly

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