Elite, College, and My Lovelies

Oct 27, 2009 01:46

Hallo Rho'nyx,,

I got an Elite about two weeks ago. I love that thing to bits. But it’s hard not to play it of hours on end. Mmm viva piñata... anyway yeah that's what I have been up to as of late. The main reason I haven't been posting is because I had to get caught up with my school work. But I'm all caught up -ish now so I'm doing a lot more playing after classes end.

I have been a bad resin mother. I haven't really paid much attention to my little lovelies. They have been sitting under their anti-dust scarf for weeks. The only one who has been out and about even a little would be Bird. But he's my first, my little prince; he comes first even before Fahr who is a bonified prince. We haven't done much but sit and play WoW or watch a movie together. Bird did come with me to go and buy my Elite, but other than that nothing really. I'm hoping there will be a meet up soon. Fahr is still pissed that I didn't go to the last one. He hasn't been to any meets at all yet.

Kaoru is still naked... I haven't even started on making him clothing. He doesn’t seem to mind though. I think it’s just because his nakedness gets a rise out of all who see him. I haven't started on making more cloths for any of my lovelies. I still need to work on my pattern making too. *sigh* so much to do... Ah well it’s late and I should get some sleep before classes later today.


everyday life, college, bjd, xbox 360 elite, dear rho'nyx

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