Otherworldly Distraction

May 01, 2009 17:23

Bird: Hey Bobby, how’s it going? I’ve been good. I wanted you to meet my brother Tach’.

Tachibana: * fidgets* Hi.

Bird: *pets his brother’s hair* He’s still feeling a little off. Mother says his eyes will gain there color when he gets older. But till then he’s been having trouble seeing.

Fahr:*sits in the background watching TV*

Bird: I hope your sister gets to you safe and sound. I can’t wait to meet her.

Bird: This guy is the reason I haven’t replied. Mother has been fussing over him ever since he got here. His name is Fahr and he’s a prince from another world.

Fahr: who are you talking to, My Corvidae?

Bird: I’m responding to my Penpal. So say hi and you can go back to your show.

Fahr:  I’d much rather play with you, My Corvidae. *pulls Bird closer*

Bird: Eep! Don’t do that! I’m trying to respond to my friend here.

Fahr: they can watch then. *grins slyly*

Bird: *blushes and stammers*

*after escaping Fahr’s hold*

Bird: *clears throat* umm sorry about that. He can be a bit much at times. Anyway, I had one more person for you to meet but Fahr hide his only pair of clothes. His name is Kaoru and he is my adopted brother. Maybe by the next post we will have found his clothes and he can say hi to you too. Till later, Bye.

Fahr:*lifts up Bird’s shirt* Mmm, let’s show a little skin for you Penpal as a parting gift.

Bird:*blushes* Fahr!!

penpal, tachibana, bird, kaoru, fahr, photostory

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