Minifee Box opening!!

Nov 24, 2010 16:21

Kibumi: Bird love, we have a new arrival! *squee* ^_^

Bird: Let’s free him from the transport box, Mother. I wish the others were not in stasis so they could greet him as well.

Kibumi: They will in time, my dear one. *grabs a small knife and cuts open the first box*

Kibumi: *takes out all the extra stuff* O.o There’s a girl on the front of his Stasis box… hope they didn’t send him in the wrong body.

Kibumi: Cute post cards and an instruction manual. ^o^ That’s a first.

Kibumi: *pries open Stasis box and removes spongy stuff* Aww, you are too cute.

???: *starts to wake up*

Kibumi: *picks him up and puts box back together* Hey now, say hello, wee one. ^_^

???:  *is a bit frightened* …

Kibumi: *sits him down on box* Such a cutie! My name is Kibumi, little one; can you remember your name?

???:  *fidgets a little and shakes his head* … I cant…

Kibumi: *suddenly plops a wig on his bald little head* Maybe this will help? ^o^

???: *flinches but says nothing*

Kibumi:  Sorry I scared you, just a bit excited to have you home so quickly. Anyway you must meet Bird.

Bird: *walks over and kneels down* Mother, he might not be as frightened if he was wearing something. *Hands the boy some clothes*

Kibumi: Oh, were  are my manners? I didn’t even think about that, thank you Bird.

???: *dresses in silence*

Bird: See? Isn’t that better? *smiles softly at him*

???: *covers exposed chest and looks away*

Kibumi: Oh dear, seems that shirt doesn’t fit the way I thought it would. I’m sorry.

Bird: *thinks* hmm.

Kibumi: *hands Bird the jacket that was out of reach* Here you go Bird.

Bird: *takes it* You read my mind, Mother.

Bird: *hands the jacket to the boy* Here, try this.

???: *reaches out tentatively  and takes it*

???: *zips up the jacket* … Thank you…

Bird: You’re welcome. Better now?

???:  *nods slightly* … yes.

Bird: That’s good. *Smiles brightly* Welcome to your new home.


Now for some extra pics that I loved but couldn’t find a place for them in the box opening story:

This is one of my favorites. It’s so cute even though the little one is a bit too timid at the moment to do this out right, poor thing.

His sleeping head, scared chest piece and extra hands.

Close up of the scared chest piece

And the sleeping head

More cuteness that is

And last but not least a pic comparing Bird’s BW skin tone to the little one’s NS. His wee hand is so cute resting against Bird’s bigger one *squees*

Well that’s it thank you for looking at our little box opening.

X-posted on Den of Angels and DA

~ Kibumi, Bird and the little one

bird, bjd, photostory, minifee, arrival

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