TVXQ Passion.

Dec 26, 2008 19:53

081226 Music Bank
Jae was totally in awe when he saw the trophy.
Very cute.
2nd Vid,
MVP Fancam
She gave it back to him with a tap on the back haha!


Im Just GUESSING that this was the video they watched.

영상을 보셨는데요 어떠셨어요 ~? 동방신기 여러분 , 준수씨가 눈물을 흘리고 계세요 … 아하하 어떠셨어요 ~
You saw the video, how was it ~? Dong Bang Shin Ki members, Junsu is crying at the moment … Ahaha, how was it ~

팬들 : 울지마 울지마
Fans: Don’t cry, don’t cry

재중 : 너무 고마운데 하아……… 예 아 영상에 저희 모습이 나왔고 나왔던 문구들이 되게 저희가 느꼈던 똑같이 견디는 상황에서 …
Jaejoong: We’re very thankful ah……… yeh ah We were in the video and the phrases in the video were exactly what we were feeling at the time …

그래 뭐 또 다시 기다려야 되는 상황이 오겠죠 이런말에서 저희도 일년 7개월만에 컴백을 했을때도 사실 속으로는 되게 많이
Well, there will be another time where we ask them to wait thinking that, when we made our comeback after a year and seven months, we truthfully had a lot of

불안한 걱정하는게 많았어요, 계속 이렇게 기다려줄까 하고 주변에서 가끔 인터넷 들어가서 다른 팬분들이 그런말 하시잖아요
anxious worries, Will they continue to wait for us and people around us often went on the internet and other fans say stuff like

“어차피 동방신기 또 일본 갈건데 ..걔네 좋아해서뭐해?”근데 그런말들이…
“DBSK will just leave for Japan again.. What’s the point in liking them?”but those kinds of words…

우리로서는 마음속으로 기다려주세요 기다려주세요 제발 기다려주세요
Inside our hearts Wait, wait, please wait for us

저희 거기서도 열심히 하고있고 여기서도 열심히 하고있으니깐, 기다려주세요 하면
We’re working hard over there and working hard over here, so wait for us

이렇게… 마음속으로 생각하고있는데…………….기다려주시면 …………… (그리고….막울었어요…ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ)
Like that… We’re always thinking like that inside…………….If you wait …………… (Then….He starts crying…ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ)

팬들 : 울지마 울지마
Fans: Don’t cry, don’t cry

Creds: DNBN+DBSKorean

OMG I feel like shaking you so violently right now.
How many times do we have to say we will ALWAYS be here.
Even like if you get into a car accident [touch wood] and can't dance
We will, always be here.
Waiting. I guess one fan can't make a difference but.
At least one will be out there waiting.
Gahh omg im so.
Don't cry!!!
I have nothing to say anymore.
You'll probably wont read this so wth.
Gah, I just can't stand to (hear) you cry.
Its bad enough to hear it.. Imagine if it really comes out on AADBSK 3.. I will just go into depression ):
Don't worry about it.
Those who dont appreciate your music won't stay cos they think you guys arent worth waiting for, but thats their loss, and totally not true.
Please. GBU.
PS. I bet you cried beautifully~

I loved how the cassies said it back

Happy Birthday JaeSu + DBSK!
Omg I need to understand Korean NOW.
What did Junsu/Jae say in the middle of the song??!

Cassiopeia Love Song
Whats with them and events HAHAH.
I want to uds!
Sounds so powerful.
I can sense Jae's funny in here.

Mirotic @ 5th Anniversary Party
Jae clipped his hair up!!
Cassies sang with them!!
They sang the unclean ver though. HAHHA
I loved it at 0.34 When his head was bobbing around
And 0.45 when Cassies sang the adlibs instead of the main song HAHA
Small things make me happy.

Junsu [Britney Spears]
So cute, they way he corrected her then asks Micky if he was right.

Yoochun's Ment
Awwwww ):):):

Seeing that we were so busy in Japan, there were many times where we checked news about us onlline

And we still do.. Because all of us are very positive about things, we try not to pay too much attention to those kinds of articles

But a year passes and since we continued to see everything that way…

‘Are we really a has-been/over-’ I found myself thinking thoughts like that..

We were doing the showcase..

I couldn’t go on because I was so nervous

But still it was really great

I thought a bit that this is something that can’t all be made at once

And really.. I want to work even harder here on out

Now it’s only five years… And really, from here on out, while working harder

I want to walk on a good road with everyone.

I will work harder-

Creds: DNBN + DBSKorean

This is probably the first time Micky confessed.. ...
Is he like crying whilst reading this?
He seems to be pausing a lot.. ...

Bolero MV 1.30
Chang looks insanely good with that hair.
Look at  Jae being all extra. so funny Hahahah Cant wait!

081227 MBC Music Core Special
Why did they have to cut 2 songs ):
DB appeared so short.
And whats with checkards.
Even 2pm has checkered shirts on.
Jae looks rli good!
I htink he looks good everywhere -.-
He is slowwly turning blond HAHAH

081226 Yoochun Crying Fancam
OMG so sad. He cries rreally manly now.
Junsu is just like, stoning there ):

Junsu Rapping Mirotic Fancam
This is so funny + cute.
eh yeh.

Signature Campaign against DBSK 
Wuhan launched a signature campaign in in public to protest against Dong Bang Shin Ki.

In Xinhua, Beijing, Dec. 26 recently, an article entitled "A scene on the eve of Dong Bang Shin Ki's concert" was a hot post on a major Forum site, which was due to a large number of users having a word war. The article said that on December 20, 2008, the Chinese volunteers from Wuhan International Convention & Exhibition Center in the Wuhan region launched a signature campaign against "Dong Bang Shin Ki" to protest against violence of beating pregnant women. They urged the public to actively participate in the activities of the boycott. Although the whole "Assault on pregnant women"'s authenticity has not been issued an official statement, but the spontaneous act managed to attract a lot of wait-and-see people and even passers-by to sign the banner in support to their boycott.

Earlier media reports recalled the incident as below:

Version A:
According to a media reporter, the incident took place in South Korea, where two female China fans were going to watch their concert, one of whom was pregnant. After that, Shim Changmin went into the ladies toilet (men's toilet is not working), followed by the two female fans. Then, Changmin inexplicably hit the two Chinese fans which was seen by the camera. It was wide speculated that DBSK's Shim Changmin was obsessed with game (T/N: I'm not rly sure about this, but it had something to do with game) and is suffering from depression. Is it a live performance of the version of the war game? Kim Jaejoong then came in the toilet and put an end to the assault.

The next day, the fans went to the airport with a package to throw on Changmin's shoulder and gave him a scolding. This was followed by the exposure of videos of this scene in South Korea which rise to become a large-scale dispute.

The reason why this incident has not died down is because the majority of Cassiopeia(DBSK's nickname fans) think that everything is at fault of the Chinese fans, from the images obtained from the video, they(Cassiopeians) twisted the truth and said that they hurt their idol (Changmin) and was guilty in the airport incident. Lunch was even organized in South Korea in behalf of the Chinese fans to apologize!

Version B:
Some Internet users also subsequently discovered another version, stating that when the incident happened, Shin Changmin did that in order to protect his team mates. (T/N: It is also mentioned that the fans clashed with him/DBSK before but I'm not very sure with this sentence..) and that the two females fans were not pregnant.

Dong Bang Shin Ki is a group consisting of U-know Yun-ho, Hero Jaejoong, Xiah Junsu, Micky Yoochun, Max Chang Min - a five members group have a very high portfolio in China (T/N: meaning popular), obtaining high popularity in Japan and can be called as Republic of Korea's most famous group.

Source: Sina
Translated by: lollyribena @Xietinloveshero
This is so beyond lame, Im speechess.
Some attention seeking living things decided to create this stupid rumour of Changmin hitting a pregnant lady -.-
Guys dont hit girls.
Can you even imagine Changmin hitting a girl?
Ridiculous. Those stupid antis are trying to bring down DBSK when they're at their peak.
Well, Cassies are more powerful than antis.
ugh. I hate people with nothing better to do.

081228 Back to Korea
Back in korea. woo,hoo.
They're so busy, it freaks me out.
Totally lovin the eye mask.
If someone wants to buy me a CNY/NY present,
buy me that.
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