Nov 29, 2008 23:34

all I have to say is that, its unbelievable. undescribable.
I never thought a camp would mean this much to me.
First day, slept at 1, Second at 2, Third at 3 and forth not even sleeping and chatting with zak,nick,divya,raymond.
met amazing people.. 5 days just flew by.
had an emotionale break down of a really silly reason. I know that now.
thanks to joey, rutian, nick, liying, ingmar, jia jin.
I saw you glimpses of you guys when i was breaking down the wall hehe
and to the rest of you guys, liying told me everything (:
thanks to shermaine and zak for being there in my room when i was emo-ing..
did my yellow hoodie make me look happy?
and to everyone else who pretended nothing happened (:
we cried every night didn't we.

The first day was rli silent.. we really got to know each other on the second day and were inseparable~~
all of you were so nice..
learnt so many new things while i was there..
last day was just amazing..
thanks to resources, ken who's your friend, peter who you cant see, and all my FRIENDS..
met lots of people there who I really loook up to, you guys mean a lot to me!!
keep in touch k!
love you guys!
Those who want the huge 3000 pixel pictures, msn me, ill send you (:

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