haha, yay, Tao of Rodney is on the Movie Network... this is only the second time ive watched it
i love john when he's trying to convince elizabeth to let him be next. he's all, when he's talking about the ancients, "whatever" and slouch-oozes about. rawr.
i love it when zelenka starts talking chezch. and rodney's such an ass at the beginning. zelenka's so worried about him, and rodney's just being all "woo, i'm better than you!"
"he tries to hide it, but deep down, i'm the wind beneath his wings." haha its so true. zelenka has crushes on everybody, doesn't he? i think he angsts after rodney, while john greedily takes all his sex. i mean. buddy time. c.c
yum thigh holster. does the guy EVER take it off? not that i'm complaining.
johns face when rodney's talking for them. rodney looks really good in this episode. horror stricken!rodney. ahaha, oh, rodney.
angry zelenka! hey, i understood "idiot", lol
rodney looks so horrified when he sees zelenka. john looks horrified whe he sees rodney heal zelenka. elizabeth looks disgusted almost. and rodney's just like. OHGODDIEZ
"eh, i invented a new math"
he's such a scientist. and he SO wishes he could understand the sipritual "mumbo jumbo."
an ascend-o-meter! weee!
carson is so fed up with him. isn't everybody? i think if i had to deal with rodney on a daily basis in real life, i would probably be at his throat every spare minute. the other minutes, i'd be in his pants.
this episode must have been ridiculous dialouge-wise, seeing as he's talking for everyone else half the time.
"give i' a res' ro'neh!" haha. oh carson.
"You;re rippling my pond!"
ahaha, i am so using that in the future.
"you know what he need... he needs to... 'release his burden'."
ahahah. john. "i fought a scary monster, thats what i do best."
they're so 12 years old. oh, boys.
oh god, the boots of sex.
"do it without talking." "oh, right." sounds like john's told rodney that before haha. :D
"why am i not surprised you didn't ascend, huh?!"
john's all. "theres a dark storm. the sky clears."
"bright blue sky! i am there!"
my god, rodney. what would have happened if a normal person instead of rodney with his already very smart brain.
"stop thinking."
"i don't understand that!"
ah, poor rodney. elizabeth handled this well, i think. she hit the nail o the head. rodney feels so inadequate for everything.
awww, and here come the apology scenes. ^.^aw, rodney. your bubble of hostility is what makes us love you. zelenka's jaw is on the floor its so funny. like. "oh my god, was rodney just NICE?! and SINCERE?!"
oh teyla. so surprised.
yay ronon! hugs coming up! he asked to make sure that he wanted to have the scars removed. he didnt want to take them away if they were important to him. he put thought into that.
what he did for elizabeth is probably the thin that would have the most impact.
"i don't know how not to be me." aw. the boys don't like talking about their feelings. or at least. john doesn't. rodney always talks about his feelings. the majority of his feelings being related to annoyance.
and then - RODNEY IN JOHN'S BED. [doesnt matter he's unconcious]
"clear blue skies."
john looks so sad.
"WE LOVE YOU RODNEY, WEE!" [cheerleader!elizabeth]
"in a way a FRIEND..." [he had to qualify to secure his manliness? perhaps rodney tried to make a move earlier when he first heard that he was going to die, and john didn't return the feeling, or rather, couldn't ADMIT it, because of DADT, however lax it is]
haha john looks so happy that he's okay.
more ronon!hugs!
and now rodney looks so miserable because he can't understand anything he did.
"and you love me!"
what can i say, this is a great episode. yes i needed to give a(nother) running commentary of it. :P