Alright, so, it tickles me beyond pink that David Nykl writes his blog,
Letters From Pegasus as Zelenka. Seriously. There's even a post about Chuck!!!! And how he was raised by wolves???
For some reason I think this blog may fuel crack!fanon... I'm tickled that I found it... Thanks to the squirrels over at the
A Dog's Breakfast forums.
Speaking of the squirrels... My God, David Hewlett is lucky to have such a devoted group of fans. There's a plan in the works to set up a fund with
Doctor's Without Borders [David's favourite charity] where people can donate to in honour of his and Jane's wedding, so that by the time the wedding rolls around, hopefully there'll be a nice sum, and it can be donated, and the total of the donation can be sent to David so he can see what we raised for Doctor's Without Borders, in his and Jane's name. There's a wedding present for ya.
I'll make another post here about it when there are some more specifics...