Dear Me, A Blogger's Tale; Review

Feb 20, 2010 22:00

So Livejournal, I just finished watching 'Dear Me, A Blogger's Tale' starring Sarah Thompson, David O'Donnell, and Felicia Day. Actually, Felicia Day is the only reason I bothered to netflix this movie. After my sudden obsession with her web show 'The Guild' I started to check out other stuff she's done. So I netflixed 'Dear Me', and uh, well, here's my review!

'Dear Me, A Blogger's Tale' is a story about incredibly awkward and social anxiety ridden Samantha.

*****WARNING***** Some spoilers may be contained!

In the beginning of the film, Sam is employed as someone who waters plants in office buildings. One of the buildings is an advertising firm. Catch lines are something of a specialty of Samantha's, so she finds herself helping the people at the firm out a bit by changing a slogan here or there to something better, more catchy, if not sometimes more cheesy. She dreams of one day working for the company, but her social anxiety really holds her back. In a therapy session, she discovers her insurance won't cover the weekly visits, and has to cut back to once every 6 weeks. Her therapist gives her some journals to log her daily life in that she's to drop off every so often, so that her therapist can keep up on her life between sessions. Samantha is dumbfounded by the prospect of journaling. For a while she stares at the blank pages, wondering what the hell she's supposed to write. In a fit of frustration, she wanders into her house mate/cousin's room late at night to find her blogging. Pipsy insists she start a blog. After the first, really awkward entry, Sam finds it more natural than writing in a journal, and thus 'Dear Me' is born.

Through a strange sequence of events (that if I told you about would pretty much ruin the movie for you) Sam winds up filling a temporary opening at the design firm, all the while blogging about everything. Her blog takes off, a love interest appears, and awkwardness ensues.

It's a funny, heart warming pseudo romantic comedy that I feel has a lot of appeal to anyone who has ever used a blog to keep their sanity during a crazy time in their lives. I totally recommend it. I know that I'll be buying it when I've got a bit of money. This one definitely belongs on my quirky movies that I adore shelf :) Right next to Shimotsuma Monogatari, and Honey and Clover :)

awesomeness, review, movie

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