
Apr 16, 2008 18:20

There are a few things that are rele getting on my nerves lately, so i thought i would share them with you... :)

-Boys in womens jeans!
-Girls who bitch about others for no reason
-Gossipy groups at college whispering about my friend
-Boys who know they are good looking and have big heads
-People who think they can wear blondie/ramones/rolling stone t shirts even if they have never even listened to a single song of theirs
-People who cant be arsed to try and then complain when they fail
-Posh students who get all their money from "mummy and daddy" and then complain if they wont buy them a £200 pair of fucking socks!
- People who think they are cool because they are old enough to drink
-Smokers...but even worse SOCIAL SMOKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and people who actually say that they only smoke because they look cool!
-People who write "I don't read" under the books section on their interests
-Boys who walk around with half their arse hanging out
-People who have bigger hair than Marge Simpson
-Girls who go round telling everyone they don't eat
-People who call themselves "random" when they couldn't be anymore dull
-The emo's who have taken over the square which was once cool
-People who say "Lol" when talking or "lolz"
-Chavs in general
-Racist people
-People who pretend to be stupid when they're not
-People who pull their socks over the bottoms of their trousers
-Mini chavs who throw stones at people then run away when you go to say something to them
-People who add you on facebook when you know full well that they dont even like you
-People who mess my family around
-A particular person who says "two week" and "two pair" grrr lol

Things that make my day :D...

-Kola Kube shots
-Crying in the smoking area at Rock City
-Being cold with old friends
-Talking about boys with other boys
-People who wear old fashioned jumpers
-People who enjoy a good book
-People who have things to talk about
-People who wear bows in their hair (that includes you Louisa dearest)
-Camp boys who pretend that they're straight
-Calling Felix and Jim the secret nicknames me and Ameena made up for them and watching them look confuzzled
- People who buy antiques and shop in charity shops
-People who try to tell funny jokes and then mess up the punch line
-Girls who think they are gorgeous when they're not (they make me giggle)
-Shakespeare :)
-Dusty books
-Tutu's and stripy tights
-Care Bears
-People who are always smiley no matter what
-People who can make me laugh even when i'm miserable and trying really hard not to
-Scaring old ladies with loud music on the bus
-Babies who pretend to be tigers on the bus
-Going out drinking shots and dancing
-Having long conversations about nothing that important
-People who like to buy me things
-Hugs! especially from people you just met (unless they are smelly or skanky)
-When someone you have wanted to talk to for ages signs in on MSN
- Telling people how much i love them
-Finding i have so much in common with people i have never even spoken to before
-Making new friends
-People who play instruments or sing (especially piano and guitar)
-Boys who wear brown shoes
-People with lovely big eyes
-Laughing at pouty and squinty with Louisa
-Seeing people i love in town
-Looking at all the beautiful things i wish i could buy
-Listening to Blink 182 with Tree and raving around the bedroom
-Drinking Peach Schnappes with Tree and watching Anna fall asleep
-Watching period dramas
-Boys with very english, irish, french or welsh accents
-Harry Potter marathons with Darrenface :)
-Slippery nipples
-Catching up with Scott (which i haven't done in ages)
-Having all my best friends in one room
-Films with subtitles
-People who give me lovely nicknames
-Girls with nice fringes
-People who make my friends happy (that means u mister Mikey)
-People who make me laugh so much i could die, that i could talk to forever, that i never find boring.

-People who quote brilliant films or writers
-People who are so strange that i actually love them more because of it
-People who seem quiet but are really suprising
-People i have seen around for ages and have only recently began speaking to
-People in bands
-People who have strong opinions and ambitions
-Kyle, Ameena, Jim, Felix
-Sarah, Cathy
-Louisa, Stef
-Lee, Emmy, Liz, Jess, Mark, Steph, Chris, Andrew, Towley, Graeme, Rease, --Jake
-Ben, Anna, Tree, Lee, Wheelz, Scott, Dolan, Hobo, Atko, Lucy, Joe, Jack
-Emily <3

People i miss: Emily, Tom, Jo, Sammy, Becky, Benjamin (from benjamin and felix), Walker, Tim, Tabby, Darren, Bex, Luke, Han, Glenn, Rodney, Stacey, Sinead, Pauline, Mike, Bob, Fel, Ellie, Claire, Kirsty, Jonty, Simon, Amy, Crystal.

I think thats enough for now :)
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