Thought I'd update on here a little. My 101 in 1001 list has been quite neglected, I'm looking forward to doing another one tbh, that list doesn't really represent any of my goals any more. However, I have done this :
4. Learn to drive - passed test at end of July
which is quite exciting. :) just done driving around the local area so far, although i get the joy of carting me and my mum around at the weekend! :)
What's happened in the last few months :
- James moved to Canada
- Nick moved down from Nottingham
- Me and Adam went to Rome for our anniversary (8 years), which was wonderful. Gelati is so yummy. Favourite thing : Galleria Borghese. Very surprising, amazing art.
- Started weight watchers again, not too far off losing 2 stone, which is another thing on my list :) It's going slowly, but that's ok
- bought Wii Fit, which I am now bored of, but I need to start doing it again, the yoga is nice and the boxing is fun, although extended long boxing drags on, and the whole ducking thing doesn't work
- Started playing wow again a bit, rerolled horde on al'akir, say hi to Seidkona if you see her :)
- Went to Edinburgh festival, which was ace again this year. Saw Michael Mackintyre, Adam and Jason and Friends, Aeneus Faversham Forever, the Amnesty thing, This Sketch Show Belongs To Lionel Richie (in which i won the Tape Measure Event and got my polaroid taken and a tshirt, I must take pictures). Saw Bill Bailey as well, but he was a bit disappointing, and we almost missed it due to confusion over the tickets saying "Gilded Balloon" all over them, but it was "Gilded Balloon PRESENTS" and wasn't actually AT the Gilded Balloon.
- Totally failed to go to "Wild in the Country" because it was cancelled. Seriously annoyed about this, was gonna see Bjork but then she pulled out, so we listened to some of the other bands and realised that we really wanted to go anyway, as it sounded like fun... but then it was cancelled. a bit shame.
- Played a lot of Team Fortress 2
- The oven got fixed a few weeks ago, only broken for 10 months... now the bathroom has been refitted in the house, but the old suite is lying in the front garden for reasons we can't fathom. Oh well, spare toilet for the brave I suppose.
My dad's 60th birthday this weekend, so going home for that. :)
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