NOT to be confused with the catholics, or the mormons, or Apiscopalians, Methodists etc, etc, etc, these are JEWISH sacred ritual garments, biblical and traditional. When you see something 'similar' to any other its because it was 'borrowed' and then changed/mixed with pagan or other religious ideals of those 'borrowing' them. And hence took away or added to their purpose and design. Which when given by scriptural command to the Israelites and Jews were complete and sustained by G-d as eternal and unchanging. Now that the brief to dos are done:
This is one type of tzizit undergarment in a t-shirt: (the important piece is the tassels (jewish macrame) Numbers 15:39 on all four corners. They outline the Torah, ie... the bible and commands therein.)
Another tzitzit undergarment but with a different top and no sewing on sides:
Pants worn on Yom Kippur...we wear all white this day at Temple:
These except my cowboy hat are head coverings, bonnets or whatever you call them.., yarmulke or kippa in modern terminology, originally reserved for the high priest in the temple and were white:
A tunic, outer wear garment similar to the tzitzit above for special occasions:
Sash for tunic:
Shoes for Yom Kippur, non leather soles:
Garment's (tallit) bag:
A talis or tallit, (without detail explanation) This is a large and folded over to fit in picture:
This is a small Talis:
Enjoy! But remember these are sacred so be respectful.