Hey there,
I know it's only Wednesday but I really feel like talking about my tv week so far. Which means the season finale of Californication and the 100th episode of NCIS
Let's start with
That was one hell of a season finale. I loved it! It was so cool to see Hank having a grip on himself and let Karen decide. I think it took a lot of strength to take Mia out of the picture there. At no point after the vow I considered Karen would actually return to Hank. I always thought they would keep this for the next season. Very nice to see they seemingly found another red line to pull through season 2. I'm so anxiously waiting for it.
And then there was the episode I was waiting for ever since the spoilers made it to the net:
NCIS 5x06 Chimera.
To be honest I don't think it filled my expectations. Some good humour in there but other than that? Just average. Tony was far too whiny. It just got on my nerves at some point. Then I don't think McGee would really be such a whimp who tries to stay with Ducky instead of searching the ship. Actually this behaviour would have been a better fit for whiny DiNozzo.
The end? Well, if it's not Al-Quaida, it's the Russians. Being a Philie from the very beginning the end was a little too X-Files like: A government conspiracy. To cover it the government goes to great length even killing their own men.
Anyways. Something I loved about this episode was the behaviour of Jen how she told Skinner Nope, I won't go there... off. I really liked her being tough.
It was a nice episode, I will probably watch every now and then but definitely no highlight of season 5.
Guess the next episode is much more like a highlight judging from the trailer.
And a friend asked me to take a look at the last two episodes of
I gotta admit I watched the pilot episode, but didn't like it enough to stick with it. Watching 1x04 and 1x05 I'm pretty tempted to stick with it just for the shipping. I like Beth and Mick together. Isn't that weird? Though I'm not that excited about the basic plot, I consider the shipping worth the 40 minutes a week... Hinky...
Think that's it? You're dead-wrong. Got some
Been tagged by
allchanged to post a screenshot of my desktop. So here ya go:
Then I stole this one from
citymusings Can you name 13 LJ Friends right off the top of your head? Don't read the questions underneath the cut until you write the names of all 13 people. This is a lot funnier if you actually randomly list the names first. No cheating!
01 -
immertreu02 -
brit8103 -
dischargie04 -
lierina05 -
abernathi06 -
already-used07 -
allchanged08 -
tweeter09 -
leucocrystal10 -
mathhhh11 -
profiling12 -
citymusings13 -
dani101 How did you meet 10?
She commented on one of my stories
Have you ever seen 4 cry?
Would 11 and 2 make a good couple?
At least they make good friends. Drooling about the same guy is one big thing they have in common. Seriously.
Are you good friends with 13?
Just reading her entries and sometimes have a little chit-chat in the comments.
Do you think 5 is cute?
Cute as in being a very nice person, yes.
Something about number 1?
She's my brain twin. Something that can scare the hell out of some people. We got used to it.
How did you meet 8?
Met her on SpecialOps. She was kind enough to get her hands on some US-mag for me. *huggles*
What's 7's favorite color?
I have no clue.
What would you do if 6 just confessed that they liked you?
As in being in love? I guess I would have to tell her that it's not more than friendship from my side. Sorry, Josi^^
Fact about 9?
Met David while I was trying to find a place to park my car. *still sobbing*
What does 1 do for a living?
She still goes to university
Would you ever live with 12?
Probably not. Basically because I like living on my own. Only my cats are allowed to be here 24/7.
Is 2 single?
Where does 7 live?
Germany. Somewhere in the North, I think.
What do you think about 2?
It's about time to hold a sadistical brainstorming again^^
What's the worst and best thing about 5?
The best surely is that she never lets you down when you need her help. Bad things about her? None come to mind.
Who is 11 going out with?
Her boyfriend?
What do you like about number 3?
She's always there when you need her. She's fun to be with. She tolerates my liking of some older guy. I love watching tv with her.
And some more tests I ran across in different journals. Not sure where I stole them, feel free to report me to the lj-police ;P
You are Fox Mulder You are a very open minded person, and believe in anything, you don't need to have proof to believe in this. You have always been different and has never followed the crowd. Your a bit of a loner and don't make friends easily as trust is a big issue for you and only close friends are worthy of it. You barely have time for social relationships as your work is your life. And just sometimes you can be too gullible for your own good.
Which X Files Character Are You? Who would have thought^^
$5290.00The Cadaver Calculator - Find out how much your body is worth. Now I will really leave you... at least for the next thirty minutes ;)
Take care & stay safe