I had my annual physical today with Mr. Doctor. He grabbed my wee wee and asked me to cough. No thumb up the butt, though, so that's always cool. I got a refill on my Protopic prescription for Eczema, and I also made away with one for Ambien, a "sedative-hypnotic". Looks like
davomatic and I will be partying it up on the A-train! Hey, ho! Yawn!
I was actually kind of reluctant to ask for it, but I'm tired (ha!) of just sitting in bed for an hour or two -- or more -- waiting to fall asleep sometimes. It was damn expensive. I had to pay $40.00 as a co-pay, and I only got 15 pills! Oh well; I only planned on taking them once or twice a month anyway. Mr. Doctor also froze a wart-thingy that's been on the back of my scalp for years. He tried cutting it out last year, but it came back like some hideous monster. It feels weird now. Let's hope when it falls off that it dies for good. Speaking of warts, what's up with them? In the past, I've gotten some on my hands in various places once in a blue moon. They stay a while, then just go away, usually never to be seen again. I certainly hope it's not attributed to frog sex...