Chris and I went to Fry's today to get a hard drive, due to an emergency that happened. We went around 9:30, and when we got there, we noticed that the line was REALLY long. We didn't actually realize how long the line was until we were trying to find the end of it. It wrapped throughout the entire store, and was estimated at being a 3 hour wait, TO CHECK OUT. We left the hard drive there and went to MicroChip Computers, where there was no wait, and got a hard drive in a few minutes. We may not get the rebate now, but we didn't care by then. What was wrong with those Fry's shoppers? Did they not understand they could go home and shop online, with no wait, and get the items shipped to them? I really think that there should have been store associates directing people to computers hooked up to the online store, or walk around with handheld devices for ordering, and offer free shipping to get them to not wait in line. The weird thing was that while it was crowded there, it didn't seem crowded enough to support such a long line of people. I caught a glimpse of
geekjustin, but he was so busy, I didn't get a chance to pull him aside to make out in the bathroom. Seriously though, he could have used a pumpkin pie break. Perhaps another day.