i saw them a couple of years back and he actually did a pretty wide range of songs from his whole career. not sure what the setlists or line-up for this show will be, but he'll likely throw in something off one of those earlier albums...
i haven't gotten into distortion either. 69 love songs about killed me as for as MFs appreciation. but even songs off that sounded pretty good live, and he didn't do too many of them.
69 Love Songs killed your appreciate for him? It definitely had a lower ratio for me of enjoyed tracks / total tracks, but there are some good finds on there. His first 3 albums are my favorite.
i'll try to fish out my copy and listen to those. i had always wanted like all the good songs whittled down onto one disc. i'm sure everyone would have a different opinion of what should go on there though.
he did do "book of love" on the i tour though, i'm sure.
i haven't gotten into distortion either. 69 love songs about killed me as for as MFs appreciation. but even songs off that sounded pretty good live, and he didn't do too many of them.
yeah, holiday's where it's at for me.
disc 1:
"A Chicken with Its Head Cut Off"
"I Don't Want to Get Over You"
"I Think I Need a New Heart"
"The Book of Love"
"Boa Constrictor"
Disc 2:
"(Crazy for You But) Not That Crazy"
"No One Will Ever Love You" <-- my favorite of the whole album; it has a very 70's feel.
Disc 3:
"Wi' Nae Wee Bairn Ye'll Me Beget"
he did do "book of love" on the i tour though, i'm sure.
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