(no subject)

Aug 27, 2009 20:13

I should probably get around to posting a Manifest re-cap, huh...


Was good! By comparison with 2008 it was amaaaaaazing XD I had much more fun dancing this year as they actually played music appropriate for that, the food was better (except for the watery -WATERY?!- profiteroles...) Needs to have a bar for next year though, pre-drinks will only take you so far >_>


Didn't make it ;0; I'm so sorry Mina; Morgan's costume still wasn't finished so we were frantically working at that *shakefist* you are in so much trouble for that my boy.


I wore my (hopefully) epic looking Countess Carmilla (Vampire Hunter D) cosplay - though it was received well (judging by the number of photos taken) I think about all of 3 people knew who I was ^^ ;; I know it's my fault for picking obscure characters, but I like the challenge of making a costume very few people have done before. Also I hate having twins running around >_>

Had a very stressful moment when my hairpiece plopped off into my lap, but it was fixed with the help of Candice and Tiffy's mother at the cloakroom (so much love! so much love!) and didn't stand out too badly. Even more stressful was going first (FIRST?!) in the cosplay comp and having to parade about in front of the hundreds of extra seats crammed into the showgrounds. For someone who panics before going onstage at the mini-animania, this was hard : ( many thanks to Michelle who gave me water and soothing talks beforehand.

All in all, a good day though I didn't get around to doing much; cosplay comp tends to devour the entire day and lord knows that costume wasn't made for walking through the trader's hall ^^;;

(I ended up winning runner-up best cosplay for saturday, omgwtfetc I was so shocked I was shaking ;_; I know how tough the competition is at manifest and I wasn't expecting anything after I saw some of the amazing costumes on display, so winning that was immensely flattering)


My cosplay choice for Sunday was Julia from Cowboy Bebop; something simpler to get around in was in order after the back breaking weight of Saturday's costume. Again, not too many people recognized me when I was walking about on my own (with Faye it was a different story, but maybe it was just that they couldn't resist the photo-op of TWO sexy babes for the price of one XP ) but it was fun all the same, especially our Bebop group's photoshoot with Brian. I have to say, I think that was the most fun I had all weekend. All of us laughing and joking around; well, mostly joking ABOUT Ambi XD poor guy. His sexuality will never be the same again.

I sadly missed out on seeing the cosplay comp as by the time I remembered the line was already miles long, but I enjoyed taking a break from it all as well. Every year manifest seems to fly past faster and faster, and I kinda feel like I see less and less of the people I go to catch up with. I was too tired to make it to the big group dinner that went down, just went home and fell asleep to some disney movies. I guess in a way it all felt anti-climactic, as one spends so many months preparing for the event and when it finally arrives it's over in a snap, without too much substance to it. I really want to make an effort to hang out with more people or attend more events next year, in order to make it more memorable and less like a fashion parade.

People are already talking about cosplay plans for next year and it's getting me thinking... I want to push my skill level even more, and pick something amazingly epic, but I'm totally dry on ideas *siiiighhh* Suggestions are welcome?
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