Mar 01, 2009 17:38

'sup ladies, I'm back~

I've been in Bendigo since Saturday for my cousin's 21st, but more importantly, to check out the GOLDEN AGE OF COUTURE exhibition. HRRRGGHHHHH. If you see me on the news in the next couple of days, doing a barrel roll out of a shattered window with 20 suits and dresses draped around me KNOW THAT IT WAS JUSTIFIED. I want to take that collection out behind the museum and make love to it. Figuratively. You know.

I stayed overnight in my cousin's flat, she works for Bendigo tourism and an art gallery, as well as selling her own work by commission. I don't know her that well since she lives so far away, but she is always lovely to me, and I just adore the way she's decorated her place. Kinda reminds me of what I'd like to do when I move out, just bits and pieces that she's collected displayed all over the place that have actual history. Also she's got a 9 week old puppy (chihuahua/dachshund cross) that you can cup in your hands ;0; not really a dog person but he's so adorable and well behaved... and when he cries it breaks my heart (he doesn't like being kept away from his mommy for too long >w< )

Saturday night I skipped out on the majority of the party to eat a quiet dinner somewhere (I think I'm developing a vague kind of social anxiety, but that's another story) with a friend who made the trip up with me. I did head back at the end just in time to see my aunt calling my uncle "banana nose" and running off to hide behind a chair giggling. Gotta love tipsy relatives XD

Sunday morning we got up bright and early because we had heard that the queues into this place got up to an hour wait on saturday. We got there by the time they opened and so got in without too much trouble, though it was already swarming with people @_@ I was really surprised because it's a fairly, well, rural area! You don't expect to see so many people... especially LOLITAS. MPARF I SAW A SWEET LOLITA IN MOTHER FUCKING BENDIGO LOLOLOLOLOLOL

But more imporantly - the clothes... the clothes... were beautiful. There were over 100 suits, dresses, coats and gowns from Dior's New Look era (1947-57) that were just jaw dropping in their material and creation... the beautiful hand painted and beaded fabrics, and sculpture like forms of the suits and coats... I've been looking for a full skirted coat for some time now so seeing them all in their deliciousness in front of me was just, well, heart breaking in a grumpy old lady "they don't make 'em like that anymore" kind of way. I really marveled at the differences between the favored silhouette and face shape of the mannequins of that age and the stick like, angry looking models you see today. There was some fantastic photography as well; some from an ex sports photographer who brought in new concepts of movement and life to fashion photography. You could even see wrinkles on some of the girls in the video reels they had playing! There was just so much more... warmth and life to it than modern work *sighs* I really sound pretentious and old now... I could happily gush about this for hours, it was a fantastic exhibition <3

I wanted to buy the catalog but they'd sold out ;_; Somebody take me to metropolis books so I can buy that vintage clothing book I'd been ogling plz, I am getting sad because I do not own lovely clothes :'(
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