finals week stress

Apr 26, 2006 23:54

A few things - 1) I think earlier even though I tried really hard not to be I was bitchy to roomate A (we'll use bedroom numbers as indications) which sucked but I guess it was just a bad moment
2) When I should of been really bitchy to the roomate C I wasn't: thats right kids as you can tell form my 5 word add on ... my coffeetini glass was stolen.. not stolen but being used right now by one of my roomates drunk freinds, uuuuuuuum here is the thing. Anything I buy for the house or is gifted to me I usually offer to the house for all uses. Buuuuut those things usually are replicable and I make it obvious they are open for use. Hmmm coffeetini glass is a) kept in its box not jstu on the shelf wiht the glasses b)I barely use it myself and not when I'm drinking heavily c) I dont think I've ever even offered it to anyone to use d) the store it was bought in closed.
When I walked by and saw it I was a little stunned, when I walked back I simply akse pleeeeeeease to be careful, against the advisement that I should of said no put it away. I dunno if I should if dont that or not....maybe ????
In addition roomate C asked if any of us had exams thurs morning. Roomate A does. Roomate C then goes on to ask if a few ppl can come over tonight, which was agreed upon with the comment they would leave by 11-12. Yeeeeeah they are spending the night and me being roomate D can hear them upstairs so I'm sure roomate A downstairs can too.

one more final - friday morning.... off to study
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