Invictus Chapter 55/59

Dec 01, 2012 11:21

NoG to read: 57

Harry gulped down his food, but when Severus suggested that they continue where they’d left off, he frowned and said, “We can spend all morning on that tomorrow. Why don’t I try to steal your wand again?”

Severus was too distracted by Harry’s body. He needed to have Harry disarm him when it could count. “I intended to train you in that manner tomorrow.” He had work to do, but he really just wanted to spend some time with Harry. An extra hour or two couldn’t hurt that much, could it? “Within the next six days, you will face him. It is best that we keep your body in top shape. Take a shower and I’ll massage you.”

“Right,” said Harry, his wide grin showing that he knew the massage wasn’t the only thing that would happen between them. He hurried to Severus’s bedroom and jumped in the shower without being prompted. Severus placed Harry’s sheets over top of his bed and finished off his post. He’d just begun to review what he knew of the Castiel spell when Harry emerged from the shower and asked, “Can’t stand the smell of a Potter in your bed?”

“I’ll not have it stained with massage oils.”

“Haven’t you heard of cleaning spells?” said Harry as he dumped his towel on the floor.

It galled him how messy Harry could be. Picking up the towel and sending it to the laundry, Severus said, “Must you always toss your clothing and towels on the floor?”

Throwing himself across the bed, Harry petulantly said, “You never told me your laundry bin was in the wardrobe.”

“It’s polite to ask,” retorted Severus. “Really Potter, I shouldn’t have to lecture you on basic social interactions.”

“Must you make everything into an argument?”

This was not the conversation he’d hoped to have. Tossing his book to the table, Severus climbed on the bed. “Placing all the blame on me? You felt the necessity to complain about a very simple request.” He straightened Harry’s limbs out.

“I wasn’t complaining. I was explaining,” said Harry. “Why do you have four bottles on the table?”

Unwilling to argue further, Severus simply said, “Various purposes,” and summoned his newest Muscle Salve.

“Mmm....” purred Harry. “What is that?”

Rubbing the potion into Harry’s back, Severus answered, “I’ve developed a new salve to aid in your recovery after exercise. It will relax and rebuild muscles without the staining properties of the other.” It also had the effect of lightly oiling Harry’s skin, leaving it glistening and soft.

“Why did you put the sheets down if it doesn’t stain?”

“There is a chance that it may cause staining after interaction with your skin and sweat.” Skipping over Harry’s buttocks, Severus slid his hands down Harry’s legs.

“So you decided to ruin my sheets?”

“I don’t anticipate you sleeping in that bed for much longer.”

“Yeah,” agreed Harry with a yawn. “I’m sleeping here from now on.”

He’d better not fall asleep after all the teasing he’d done before dinner! He might have forgotten all about it, but Severus certainly hadn’t. “Roll over.”

Harry obeyed, turning over and shutting his eyes, his body worryingly limp. “I didn’t do much physical exercise today but I’m really tired.”

Severus slid his hands up Harry’s legs. “You spent several hours in a state of fear today; of course your body is exhausted. Would you like some tea?” Wrapping his fingers around the softened prick, he stroked it.

Harry’s eyes flew open, his limbs jumping. He stared at Severus, who kept his expression neutral. He dropped the cock and focused on Harry’s hips and stomach, pretending as though he hadn’t done anything at all.

Sucking in several breaths, Harry relaxed back against the bed. Severus continued massaging the salve into him until his prick started to lose its fullness. Reaching down, he stroked it long enough to rekindle Harry’s desire, but not a second more. When his hands moved on a second time - this time to work on Harry’s shoulder, Harry frowned, but did not voice his objections to the teasing. Setting aside that potion, Severus summoned the second one, which was focused on strengthening Harry’s body. Slightly drowsy, Harry didn’t react to the change in potions, only when Severus stroked his cock again. Smiling slightly, he pretended to sleep, although he’d hold his breath whenever Severus’s hands drifted to his groin.

Although massaging Harry had a point - it worked out the tension of his limbs and made him a better athlete - it took everything Severus had to only just massage him, especially when Harry began making up complaints for Severus to massage in order to have his dick stroked. Harry’s skin shone, looking as warm and soft as it felt. The more Severus ran his hands over the flat chest and well-built limbs, the more he wanted to follow his hands with his tongue and teeth - to kiss and lick every part of Harry’s delectable body. He couldn’t wait to suck that thick cock or slide inside that amazing arse. Passing his hands near those pebbled nipples only reminded him of how Harry reacted when Severus teased them.

However, he needed Harry to ask - no, demand - his cock. He’d never willingly forced himself on another, and he refused escorts forced by economy or others to ply their trades. If Harry, a young, straight, handsome man were to have sex with him, it would be because Harry wanted him. Wanted his hands, his mouth, his cock. He was not so naive to believe that Harry sought out sex for love or because of overwhelming sexual attraction, but Harry couldn’t be utterly repulsed by his body to have found pleasure in it so many times.

Even if Harry was incapable of loving and wanting him the way that he loved and wanted Harry, he could fulfill Harry’s sexual needs - at least for the time being - and that was enough.

Just when he didn’t know if he could take much more teasing, Harry flipped over to a sitting upright position and grabbed Severus, yanking him forward.

Used to violence, it took Severus a second to realise that Harry had gone for a kiss rather than an attack. Closing his eyes, he returned Harry’s hunger, their tongues battling for entry into the other’s mouth. Sliding his hand down to Harry’s groin, his fingers met Harry’s blocking hand. Harry tried to replicate the action on Severus, his brow furrowing when he couldn’t feel Severus’s erection due to the spell Severus used on his robes to hide the true position of his flesh.

Harry broke the kiss to complain. “You wear too damn much.”

“You wear too little,” teased Severus, pinching a nipple.

When Harry slapped away the hand, Severus lunged at him, pinning him back against the bed as he claimed him. Harry tugged on his coat for a second before ripping it, tearing buttons off.

Severus hadn’t meant to give him that much extra strength. “You brat!”

“Reparo,” Harry said, ripping the coat further.

Knocking Harry away from him, Severus took off his coat before Harry could shred it further. He had too much hidden inside of it to risk its destruction.

“You hit like a girl,” said Harry.

Severus ignored the childish remark as he repaired the coat. When he’d finished, he threw it out of Harry’s reach and said, “I didn’t intend to hurt you, you clod,” as he unbuttoned his shirt.

“You pinched me!” protested Harry.

Had he pinched him that hard? He hadn’t meant to. Then again, Harry couldn’t have been seriously hurt or else he’d have said something. “You deserved it.”

Dropping his voice low, Harry said, “If you don’t behave, then I shall leave here and return to my quarters.

Severus would never admit how much that turned him on. Smirking, he crawled over to Harry, intending to chastize him, but unable to resist bending down to taste him. He licked and nibbled at Harry’s collarbone before working his way to the delicate flesh of Harry’s earlobe. After he’d captured and teased it, drawing moans from Harry’s throat, he said, “You think you’ll escape? I’ll chain you to my bed.”

Harry thrust up his hips, his full cock grinding against Severus’s still-covered groin. He grabbed Severus’s hair and yanked him down for a bruising kiss. He broke it long enough to retort, “I’ll piss all over it.”

Brat. Severus flipped Harry over, pinning him on his stomach. Grabbing a plump butt cheek, he squeezed it. “I’ll spank you.” He’d never seriously considered it as a form of punishment (knowing Harry, he’d probably get punched if he tried), but some of the girls had liked it when he’d done it during sex.

“Spank your former pupil? That’s kinky, even for you.” Glancing back at Severus, Harry asked, “Why are you still dressed?”

Shaking his head in exasperation, Severus slid out of his trousers. “One of these days you will learn how much women appreciate patience. Sex is more than just mindless thrusting.”

Harry teased, “I know you aren't the most well-endowed man, but there is no need to completely renounce your masculinity.”

He couldn’t let that go. Bending over Harry, Severus pressed his cock against Harry’s buttocks. “Do you need to be reminded of my masculinity?”

Harry yawned dramatically. “Sure, just don’t wake me. I’m going to nap.”

Freeing his cock, Severus pressed the tip against Harry’s pucker. “You won’t mind if I just slip it in then.” He pushed forward, not enough to actually penetrate, but enough that Harry scrambled to the other edge of the bed.


“Care to change your assessment?”

“I have a better idea,” said Harry cheekily. “I’ll have a go at you unlubed and we’ll see how long you last.”

We’ll see how long you last. He didn’t dare say it, because then Harry would demand a chance to prove him wrong. “Ah, but that is a bit unfair. How would I return the favour?” Slipping out of his pants, he dropped them to the floor.

Looking like a tiger in heat, Harry crawled across the bed to him. “Blowing me is a wonderful way to return any generous offers.”

He couldn’t make it easy or this would be over all too soon. Severus kissed Harry before he offered, “If you make it to the door, I’ll give you what you want.”

Glancing at the door, Harry licked his lips. He met Severus’s eyes and narrowed his own. He’d been around Severus too long not to suspect a trick. “No magic.”

“No magic cast upon you.”

“No magic cast at all,” insisted Harry.

Severus had no desire to chase a naked Harry around. Harry was younger and quicker. “No magic cast upon you.”

His eyes darting to the door, Harry nodded. “All right. But I say when we go, okay?”

“Right,” said Severus, ready.

For a moment, Harry just stared at Severus, his face steady. Then, he took off like a shot, already past Severus before the first spell had been cast. Even though he’d been granted magic, Severus still followed Harry to the door, casting furiously with his wand. Harry fell and Severus pounced on him only to be thrown off.

Damn! The Muscle Strengthening Salve had worked too well. “Concretio Ferratilis!”

“That’s cheating!” Harry yelled as a chain appeared between his right cuff and the floor. He rolled towards the door, as Severus continued casting, but the chains kept him from moving far. “I did it!”

He’d touched with his toe. Hardly a win. Moving between Harry’s legs, Severus pointed out, “You can barely touch it. You lost. Now.....” I’ll take my reward. Capturing Harry’s nipples, he teased them until Harry was thrusting his hips. Shifting forward, he pressed his cock down on Harry’s, rubbing them together as he grabbed Harry’s hair and passionately kissed him. “Now I will fuck you.”

“I touched the door,” said Harry stubbornly. “And you cheated.”

He could be quite difficult at times, but Severus always enjoyed a challenge. Reluctantly releasing Harry, he sat up and said, “I did not cheat. I never cast a spell at you; however, you did touch the door, so you will receive a consolation prize.” He pushed Harry’s knees up, pinning them near his armpits, his arse cheeks spread and his pucker fully exposed.

“Don’t-” said Harry, twisting, his muscles strained. “Release-”

“Here.” Severus freed him from his chains and conjured a soft pillow to support his arse. “More comfortable?”

The tension drained from Harry’s body, his struggles ceasing. He gave a short nod, but Severus didn’t need to see it to know that Harry’s discomfort had passed. Bending forward, he kissed the tip of Harry’s cock. It hadn’t started leaking precum, but full and thick, it smelled delicious.

Lifting his head, he surveyed Harry’s exposed body. “You need a bit of trim.” He hadn’t bothered to shave Harry’s crack since the first time he’d done it, and the hair had gone a bit wild. Placing his wand just below Harry’s navel, he cast the shaving spell, watching as the dark curls disappeared.

“AH!” gasped Harry as the spell zipped over his arsehole.

The newly cleared skin felt especially soft and, when Severus brushed his fingertips across it, Harry shivered slightly.

“Much better, hm?” Severus asked, not expecting an answer. He bent down and licked at the balls in their tight sac and Harry gasped softly, his legs twitching. Did Harry enjoy having his testicles played with as much as Severus did? Time to find out. Gently sucking one ball at a time into his mouth, he let his hands wander over Harry’s body, dancing across the skin, stopping only to tease or caress.

Slowly, he journeyed down from Harry’s tight balls. He hadn’t got very far when Harry cried, “Fuck me already!”

Who knew how much time they would have together after the ceremony or when Enitan would arrive? If this was to be their last night together, Severus needed to show Harry the sort of pleasure that a good girl like the youngest Weasley wouldn’t know.

Pressing his finger against Harry’s quivering pucker, he cast the cleaning spell. Harry pushed back against him, his cock leaking precum on his stomach. Severus wasn’t ready to fuck him yet - he’d blow too soon.

Bending forward, Severus gave Harry’s testicles another slow lick before sliding his tongue down Harry’s crack and flickering it over his hole.

“Oh!” Harry’s entire body jumped as if struck by a spell, his eyes opening wide. “What’re you-”

Severus dove in again, licking that tight ring of flesh as he watched the disbelief, embarrassment, and sexual heat flicker across Harry’s face. Harry’s body loved it, even if his mind couldn’t feel comfortable with the concept. Pink flooded his face, turning him a shade Severus hadn’t seen for some time. Closing his eyes again, he threw back his head and strained against his bonds as he offered his arse to Severus. As if embarrassed by how turned on the rimming made him, he shoved his hand into his mouth and bit it.

Lifting his head, Severus said, “Don’t,” and gently pulled Harry’s hand away from his teeth. “You’ll hurt yourself. Come.” Freeing Harry, he pulled him to his feet. Harry stumbled slightly, catching himself on the clothes Severus had thrown over his chair.

Wanting to play around with Harry some more, Severus headed to his desk to grab another one of the potions he’d prepared.

“On the bed,” ordered Harry.

“Lie down on your stomach. We need to finish your massage.” Severus slipped a freshener into his mouth.

Harry jumped onto the bed, spreading his legs. “No, we’re going to fuck. And don’t tell me ‘patience’. We can be patient after we fuck.”

Severus laughed. Stepping between Harry’s legs, he bent down to kiss him and rub their cocks together. To his surprise, Harry didn’t hesitate before opening his mouth. Maybe he hadn’t been as unnerved by the rimming as he acted. He did continue to act more oddly virginal and inexperienced than could be expected for a boy of his age and popularity, but maybe it was just his hesitation over having gay sex.

What else could he teach Harry? What else could he do that Harry would remember even after years of sex with women? Although he knew that competing with the body of a woman was a useless endeavour, he needed to leave some sort of mark that couldn’t easily fade, one that would be treasured rather than reviled.

Breaking the kiss, he ran his finger over Harry’s jaw, enjoying the contrast between the soft flesh and the sharp hair. “In your masturbation experiences, have you ever orgasmed without touching your penis?”

“No, I didn’t think it was possible until I did it during sex. Did you know that you don’t need to touch your cock to come?”

“Yes, I trained myself to do it one summer.”

“Really?” Harry gave Severus an amused look, probably imagining Severus training his cock the way a circus trainer would handle an animal, with a whip in one hand and a treat in the other.

“I was a teenager once,” Severus reminded him. He kissed his way down Harry’s chest. “I want to try to bring you to orgasm without any stimulation of your prostate or penis.”

Harry trailed his fingers through Severus’s hair. “Do it after we fuck.”

Flickering his tongue over a nipple, Severus said, “No, I’ll fuck you after you orgasm. If you are unable to do it in a reasonable amount of time, I’ll masturbate you to completion.”

“All right.”

Rolling to the side of Harry, Severus cast the orgasm delaying spell before stretching out beside Harry. “Don’t touch yourself. If you cannot wait, let me know and I’ll finish you off. Concentrate on building your pleasure.”

“Right,” said Harry as he closed his eyes and relaxed against the bed. After a few seconds, he shivered.

“Cold?” asked Severus as he admired Harry’s body.

“No, I’m good.”

Severus kissed him softly, delighted in the eager way Harry’s mouth chased down his own. As he tasted those perfect lips, he let his fingers drift down Harry’s chest, stroking the soft yet firm torso. He wanted to taste it, to explore Harry so thoroughly, there would be no part of him for anyone else to introduce him to. His mouth followed his hands, trailing down Harry’s neck, sucking on the pulsing skin.

When Harry had been captured, his torso had been a pale flat expanse of white marred by the wine red nipples and sparse dark curls. His ribs had stuck out slightly, giving him the look of an undernourished pet. Now, his flesh had filled in, the curves caused by healthy muscle instead of bone. His pectorals swelled softly, rising above the lightly sculpted abdominal muscles, and the sharper angles of his Adonis belt. He still remained lean and had a boyish grace, but his sinewy form suggested quickness rather than starvation. At a shorter height, he still weighed less than Severus, but he’d learnt how to use his body, and had a flexibility that Severus could never hope to recover.

“My nipples,” gasped Harry. “Lick them.”

Severus swiped his tongue across the nearest one, blowing cool air to heighten the sensation. “Like that?”

“Oh yeah!” Harry pushed his chest up towards Severus’s mouth. “Like that.”

Keeping his body to Harry’s side so Harry couldn’t rut against him, Severus turned his attention to Harry’s nipples, delighting when Harry grabbed his hair. He knew he’d done something Harry really liked whenever Harry did that. Ignoring the soft tugging, he sucked on the pebbled flesh, watching as pleasure flickered across Harry’s face.

Doing his best to restrain himself, Harry’s face held an expression almost akin to pain, his brow furrowed and his jaw tight. Determined to make Harry lose control, Severus played with Harry’s nipples as he kissed his way up to an earlobe and bit it as hard as he dared.

Harry gasped as he shuddered, his entire body trembling. Somehow, he managed not to come, his cock still full and thick on his stomach. “Holy fuck.”

He had more restraint than Severus had given him credit for. “Let’s see if we can get you to do that again. Accio wand!” Conjuring a soft padded area to raise up Harry’s arse, he summoned the lube to him as well.

“I thought you weren’t going to penetrate me.”

“I won’t. Not yet.” Tossing the lube used for sex to the side, he opened the one Harry had enjoyed earlier.

“Oh,” said Harry eagerly when he saw the container. “Oooooh.”

Hooking a good amount of the lube with his finger, Severus spread it over Harry’s nipple, then bent down to suck the flesh long enough to leave the memory of his lips. He replicated the action on Harry’s other nipple before leaving the bed to kneel between Harry’s legs. After massaging Harry’s testicles with the lube, he coated his arse crack and pucker with the substance, giving Harry the maximum amount of stimulation that he could with his tongue.

Harry pulled his legs up near his chest, his toes curling. Severus cast a small vibration spell on his tongue and Harry cried out, his legs kicking out before shivers overran him, sweat making his body glisten. Teasing the puckered flesh with his tongue, Severus watched Harry’s face to decide what to do next, only to be kicked in the shoulder for his efforts. Grabbing Harry’s legs, Severus pushed them apart and dove in again, pressing his nose into Harry’s perineum as he continued the rimjob.

Groaning, Harry curled his toes, his legs clenched. If Severus teased him too much, he might not be able to come. Standing, Severus grabbed his wand and used Mobilicorpus to turn Harry over onto his stomach, conjuring bands to help hold him in place. Bending over Harry’s back, he pressed his hard cock between Harry’s cheeks, his hands sliding down Harry’s chest to tease his nipples. “Stop holding back.”

“Oh fuck!!”

So close. Severus just had to help him over the edge. “Orgasm and I’ll fuck you. You want me to fuck you, don’t you? You-”

Gasping, Harry came, his entire body pulsing, his muscles clenching and unclenching in rhythmic waves. Releasing him from the spell, Severus watched as Harry collapsed against the bed, unmoving except for his breath.

Heading over to his desk, Severus summoned tea, pouring a cup for Harry. He couldn’t have him fall asleep now!

When he turned back to find Harry in the exact same spot, he used Mobilicorpus to prop Harry up at the foot of the bed. Slipping into the bed, he held his own cup, handing to other mug to Harry who sipped it slowly, his limbs still limp.

When Harry pushed the mug back at Severus, Severus send it away and asked, “Does anything hurt? Any muscles pulled?”

“No, no. I feel fine.” Grinning at Severus, he added, “I think the lube is cheating. Let’s try that again, but this time, you won’t be able to use anything but your body. No magic, no potions, nothing else.”

Severus didn’t think he could last through another session. “Later.” He took a moment to finish his tea and admire Harry’s body. He would remember this night for the rest of his life. If he somehow lived beyond this, he needed to have plenty of material to look at later.

Unable to ignore the pressure in his groin for long, he sent the mug back to the table and motioned for Harry to flip onto his stomach. “Roll over.”

Giving Severus a curious look, Harry obeyed, lifting his arse and spreading his legs.

Picking up the special lube he’d created, Severus liberally coated his fingers in it. Although Harry had become quite experienced with anal sex and the lube should work well enough, he still moved slowly, not wanting this experience to end on account of pain. Not to mention, he wanted to bring Harry off again on his dick and, with his body so ready to burst, the closer he got Harry to the edge before penetration, the easier it would be to get him over during.

Finally moving into position, Severus closed his eyes and concentrated on the feel of pressing up against that tight ring of muscle and feeling it open for him; accepting him, holding him in a tight, warm grip. Bloody hell. He should’ve taken out that damn analgesic earlier. For the first time he could remember, he could feel Harry’s skin as if nothing remained between them, the lube only enhancing their connection rather than masking it. He’d never been so connected to another person.

Kissing Harry’s shoulders, giving him time to adjust, Severus asked, “Doesn’t hurt?”

“Not at all. It hasn’t for a while.”

Bracing himself Severus gently rolled his hips, only withdrawing enough to savour the sensation of feeling his skin sliding against Harry’s. “I changed the recipe for the lube.”


There. That felt good. That slow, steady pace. “I originally used something to relax the muscles.” He’d always enjoyed playing around with edging, but this was the most exquisite torture he’d ever experienced. He kissed and licked at the parts of Harry he could reach. “To make it easier for penetration. I took it out. To make you tighter.”

“Am I?”

“The analgesic I used-” Merlin, just moving a little bit faster made all the difference. “It numbs as a side effect. For both of us. I took that out too.”

“Yeah, I can feel that. Did you put that other lube in it? The one you just used on me?”

“No.” How had he hated this body for so long? “That’s not- It’s not proper for anal intercourse. Unlike with masturbatory-”

“You can’t stop being a teacher, can you?”

Severus nipped at Harry’s shoulder. “Not when you ask me questions.”

Harry shoved at him. “Get off. I want to get up on my knees.”

Carefully pulling out, Severus watched as Harry wiggled into position, bending forward to grab the headboard and sticking his arse out, his thick cock and tight balls on full display between his legs. Did he know that Severus would agree to nearly anything he asked in that position? He had to know the effect he could have on Severus’s body.

“You’ll hurt your hands if the bed shifts,” warned Severus as he created a bar for Harry to grip. The bed looked sturdy, but he’d slammed other sturdy-looking beds into the wall in the past and Harry drove him more wild than any other partner ever had.

Grabbing Harry’s hips, he thrust back inside.

“AH!” cried Harry and Severus stopped. “Too fast?”

“No!” Harry fucked himself. “It’s perfect! Keep going.”

Pulling Harry against his body, he curled his hand around Harry’s cock, stroking the testament to Harry’s desire for him.

Harry, apparently not satisfied with the angle of Severus’s cock, wiggled around, making it impossible for Severus to set a decent pace.

“Stop moving,” said Severus as he returned his hands to Harry’s hips.

“You’re doing it wrong,” said Harry. Reaching back behind him, he grabbed Severus’s arse. “Push,” he ordered as he thrust back to meet Severus.

Incited by the hunger in his voice, Severus thrust forward, letting Harry control the pace. Harry fucked himself viciously, his hips snapping hard.

“Oh god,” he moaned, throwing back his head, his eyes tiny slits. “Keep doing that.”

“Doing this?”

“Oooh yeah,” moaned Harry, his voice dropped to a purr. “Like that. Harder.”

Bracing himself, Severus snapped his hips so hard, the bed struck the wall. He fucked Harry the way he’d wanted to fuck him for a while: without mercy, without control, just pure animal passion.

Harry loved it. He cried out with each inward thrust, his arse pushing back against Severus instead of away from him. Severus had often been slowed down by his partners in the past, but Harry was strong enough to take a good pounding and, more importantly, relish it.

“On- On my back,” moaned Harry, releasing the bar.

Severus pulled out long enough to flip Harry over and get into position.

Harry licked his lips and ordered, “Fuck me,” his voice deep, his eyes feral.

Severus couldn’t have disobeyed, even if he had wanted to. He thrust back in, his gaze locked on Harry’s, his body a slave to Harry’s desire, his own a distant second.

Wrapping his strong legs around Severus, pulling him close, Harry yanked his hair and claimed him with a kiss, nearly knocking Severus off balance with the force. Severus only pulled away long enough to brace himself and bent to kiss Harry again, stopping only because he didn’t want to close his eyes and miss the sight of Harry staring at him with such raw need.

I will do anything you ask of me.

His lip curling, Harry dug his nails into Severus’s back, tearing at the flesh, sending pleasure-pain coursing through Severus’s body. Harry arched his back, his body tightening, and moaned, “Oh god, that feels so good.”


“Fuck me harder.”



Ripping away the band that held back his orgasm, Severus let himself go, forcing himself to keep his eyes open and met Harry’s gaze as pleasure poured through him, burying all his sins, his pain, his past so deeply, he couldn’t feel their poison weighing his soul. He felt free.

For a moment, Harry just stared at him in fascination, as if he understood, for the first time, how much power he held. It should have scared Severus, but it didn’t. Even if Harry fully understood his power, he’d never misuse it the way that others had.

Pulling out, Severus slid down Harry’s body, kissing and nipping his way to the full, wet cock. He slid it into his mouth, the rush of his orgasm dampening all his sensations so that it was no problem at all to force most of that glorious prick down his throat and bob his head. He pressed two fingers into Harry’s arse, thrusting them in time with the movements of his mouth.

Harry came with a soft cry, his seed splashing the back of Severus’s throat, his body pulsing in Severus’s hands. Sucking him clean, Severus swiped his tongue around Harry’s prick and balls, soaking up the smell and taste of him. No matter what happened or how many years fell after this: he never wanted to forget how Harry smelled or tasted.

Harry tolerated the cleaning for only a few seconds before he started laughing, his legs flailing and his body twisting away from Severus.

Catching one leg, Severus teased, “Kicking me is hardly the way to encourage repeat performances.”

“It was amazing,” Harry assured him. “Just too ticklish towards the end. Do it again, and this time I’ll keep my legs still.”

He still wanted more? To be young again... “I’m sure if I left it up to you, you’d request fellatio daily.”

“With every meal.” He gave Severus a calculating look. “I’ll do it for you - if you really want me to. But, I’m not putting my tongue anywhere near your arsehole. That’s disgusting.”

Harry hadn’t found it disgusting earlier that evening. Amused, Severus reminded him, “You didn’t think so when I did it to you.”

“Oh, I did. I mean, it felt bloody brilliant, but it was disgusting.”

“Cleaning spells negate any hygiene issues.”

“No cleaning spells can make that clean.”

Shaking his head, Severus said, “You’re such a Muggle sometimes.” Summoning his wand, he cleaned the both of them before stretching out on the bed. He couldn’t be arsed to do any more of his chores for the evening.

Bending over and showing off his pert arse, Harry wiggled it and said, “If you want to have another go at proving me wrong, then do it.”

Severus adjusted Bryon’s work to suit his situation, “For the sheath outwears its sword, and the soul outwears the breast, and the heart must pause to breathe....”

“Huh?” asked Harry.

“Nothing.” Maybe he could give Albus a list of books Harry needed to read.

Crawling over to lie by Severus, Harry asked, “Are there doors in the laundry room that lead outside?”

How the hell did he know that? Who could have told him? Oh. Sex made him braindead. Harry was still playing the guessing game. “No.”

Rolling onto his side, Harry pressed his back up against Severus’s body. “Dangerous poisons?”

“No.” Harry would pester him all night unless he distracted him. Shifting onto his side, he ran his fingers from Harry’s shoulder all the way down to his hip.

“Laundry facilities?”

“Perhaps.” Severus nibbled on Harry’s ear as his fingers curled around Harry’s cock.

Gasping softly, Harry pressed back against Severus as much as he could, throwing one leg over Severus’s.

He wasn’t very hard - not at first - but he responded to Severus’s touch. Sliding one hand under Harry’s chest, Severus hugged him tightly as he guided him ever closer to the edge.

“How are you so good at that?” Harry asked in a whisper as his hips slowly undulated, his lashes fluttering.

I’ve studied you. “Years of practise.”

Grinning widely, Harry opened his eyes and asked in a teasing tone, “You practise often?”

“Not nearly as often as you, I imagine.” He didn’t need to imagine. He’d seen the proof.

“I need my practise.”

Severus teased, “I had no idea you were mediocre at so many subjects.”

“I never had any good professors. You should have seen this one bloke. He- OH!” Harry gasped as Severus’s grip tightened, his hand doing a little half twist.

“Close?” asked Severus, although he had his answer. He could read it in Harry’s bright cheeks.

Nodding rapidly, Harry said, “Yeah,” as if he expected Severus to slow down at the admission.

Instead, Severus increased his grip and pace, until Harry came, his hand grabbing Severus’s wrist, holding him tightly, but not pushing him away. His prick only spurted a few strands of sickly looking spunk before he drew in a shuddering breath and went limp.

Severus released Harry and, fetching his wand, cleaned them both. As soon as he set his wand down again, Harry pounced on him.

“Good night,” he said, giving Severus a peck on the cheek before rolling over and closing his eyes.

He lay on Severus’s arm, trapping it beneath him but Severus lay still, letting him fall asleep undisturbed. One of the books on homosexuality had mentioned that the Chinese sometimes used the term, “Passion of the Cut Sleeve” to refer to love between males. An emperor had cut off his own sleeve rather than wake his sleeping lover. Severus would cut off his arm if necessary.

Chapter 56

invictus - fic

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